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Revision as of 04:10, 14 October 2023 by Jeebs (talk | contribs)
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Casters specialize in dealing large amounts of long-ranged magic damage, and able to reach flying enemies. Their kits rely on buff themselves or causing debuffs. They usually have low HP and Defense, so it's recommend you support them with healing and defense.

General Characteristics

  • Ranged Magic Damage
  • High Attack
  • Slow to Medium Attack Speed
  • Low HP and Defense
  • High Cost
  • Block 1 Enemy
  • Damage Skills, Damage Buff Skills

Typical Traits

  • Inflict range magic damage on the enemy
  • Inflict range magic damage on the enemy within area of effect.


Vanguard [template edit]






Shooter [template edit]






Fighter [template edit]






Support [template edit]





Healer [template edit]






Caster [template edit]






Guard [template edit]






Stranger [template edit]



Characters [template edit]

[edit] The Class System