Forte (Summer)

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Athletic Cowboy
5 Stars ☆☆☆☆☆



Illustrator 吉良ネリス
Release Date 23/8/2024
Availability Limited Scouting

Alternate Variants

Character Stats
1 1822 420 320 0 3 70 25 1.6
70 2250 545 447 0 3 70 25 1.6
Silver Rank Up
TRAIT Inflicts Physical Damage on the enemy.
Blocks up to 3 enemies.
NATURE Living Wild
Recovers one's HP by 6% of MAX value whenever an enemy appears on the battlefield. In the event a stage effect is set on the battlefield, one's HP is recovered by 12% of MAX value.
INTIMACY BONUS ❤ 30% ❤ 50% ❤ 100%
Magic Resist +5 Defense +7 Defense +13

Skills[edit | edit source]

The Blessing of Overgrowth
Level Effect Init. SP SP Cost
Level 1 ATK increases up to 180% during next attack. In addition, there is a 15% chance of fully recovering one's HP. (Activates Automatically) 0 8
Level 2 ATK increases up to 185% during next attack. In addition, there is a 16% chance of fully recovering one's HP. (Activates Automatically) 0 8
Level 3 ATK increases up to 190% during next attack. In addition, there is a 17% chance of fully recovering one's HP. (Activates Automatically) 0 8
Level 4 ATK increases up to 195% during next attack. In addition, there is a 19% chance of fully recovering one's HP. (Activates Automatically) 0 8
Level 5 ATK increases up to 200% during next attack. In addition, there is a 21% chance of fully recovering one's HP. (Activates Automatically) 0 8
Level 6 ATK increases up to 210% during next attack. In addition, there is a 23% chance of fully recovering one's HP. (Activates Automatically) 0 8
Level 7 ATK increases up to 220% during next attack. In addition, there is a 25% chance of fully recovering one's HP. (Activates Automatically) 0 8

Damage Type: [[:Category:Skill-{{{damage-type}}}|{{{damage-type}}}]]

Attack Reach: [[:Category:Skill-{{{attack-reach}}}|{{{attack-reach}}}]]
Skill Upgrades
Level Skill Upgrade
Skill Manual I: 4
Skill Manual I: 4

Rusted Sheet Metal: 5
Skill Manual II: 6

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Sheet Metal: 2
Skill Manual II: 6

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Sheet Metal: 4
Skill Manual III: 6

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Polish: 3
Skill Manual III: 6

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Thick Sheet Metal: 3

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Polish: 2

Interactions and Crystalline Good[edit | edit source]

Intro to Ropework
[Athletic Cowboy] Forte

Crystalline Good [template edit]

Event Dialogue
Win This is where our adventure begins!
Get ready to take off! Hold on tight!
Lose Crap... we fell, huh. You alright?
Not injured at all?
Rank Up none
Interaction #1
Interaction #2
Interaction #3
Interaction #4
Interaction #5
Interaction #6 none
Gift Box #1
Gift Box #2
Gift Box #3
Gift Box #4
Gift Box #5
Gift Box #6 none
For full crystalline good and interaction lines, refer to [[{{{Original}}}#Interactions_and_Crystalline_Good |]].
Event Dialogue
Win {{{Win}}}
Lose {{{Lose}}}
Rank Up {{{Rank Up}}}
Interaction #1 Would this even match on me......?
I-I personally think it ought to......
Interaction #2 Not having any sort of armament on felt unnatural at first, but after given it a try, it doesn't feel too awkward anymore......
Interaction #3 Azmond and Anima are sure playing together without a care in the world. That alone makes coming to the beach worth it.
Interaction #4 ...The red glow cast on the sea as the sun
goes down isn't bad at all......
Interaction #5 So, this is a camp fire, huh......
I've never seen fire this big before.
This is so refreshing.
Interaction #6 none
Gift Box #1 To show you my thanks, I'll teach ya how to use ropes. Don't worry; I couldn't manage it at first. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it!
Gift Box #2 Ice cream, huh? It looks good. Alrighty, give me strawberry for Anima and grape for Azmond.
Gift Box #3 Shells, huh... not fit for armor but not bad.
How rude of me to you to be thinking about that when we've come all this way to enjoy the beach.
Gift Box #4 This is a cocktail, you say? I've never had a drink this classy before... huh... it's not bad at all......
Gift Box #5 Wh-what on El Dorado is this?! Bubble tea?!
You're lying! These look like frog eggs!!
Gift Box #6 none
For full crystalline good and interaction lines, refer to [[{{{Original}}}#Interactions_and_Crystalline_Good |]].

In other languages[edit | edit source]

Japanese Traditional Chinese
Forte フォルテ Forute 弗泰 Fútài
Living Wild ワイルドライフ Wairudoraifu 野性生活 Yěxìngshēnghuó
The Blessing of Overgrowth 繁茂の恵み Hanmonomegumi 蓊鬱的恩惠 Wěngyùdeēnhuì
Athletic Cowboy アスレチックカウボーイ Asurechikkukaubōi 運動牛仔 Yùndòngniúzǎi
Intro to Ropework ロープワーク入門 Rōpuwākunyūmon 繩結入門 Shéngjiérùmén

Trivia[edit | edit source]