Amorey (Summer)

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Marine Tamer
6 Stars ☆☆☆☆☆☆


Pays Blanc

Illustrator コビトワニ
Release Date 9/6/2024
Availability Limited Scouting

Alternate Variants

Alternate Variants
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character

Character Stats
1 1050 225 147 20 2 70 8 1
80 1414 333 224 20 2 70 8 1
Silver Rank Up
TRAIT COST +1 per enemy defeated.
Reimburses Deploy COST upon withdrawal.
NATURE Paradise of Schools of Fish
When blocking an enemy, damage dealt on target +20% and damage incurred by target -20%.
INTIMACY BONUS ❤ 30% ❤ 50% ❤ 100%
Magic Resist +5 Defense +7 Defense +13

Skills[edit | edit source]

Orca Show: Curtains! SP Recovery Activation
Level Effect Init. SP SP Cost
Level 1 Held COST +9; when there are enemies within 2 tiles, damage dealt to all targets is at 100% of ATK (Activates Automatically).
When Held COST is 40+, held COST +3, and when there are enemies within 2 tiles, damage dealt to all targets is at 200% of ATK (Activates Automatically).
5 25
Level 2 Held COST +9; when there are enemies within 2 tiles, damage dealt to all targets is at 104% of ATK (Activates Automatically).
When Held COST is 40+, held COST +3, and when there are enemies within 2 tiles, damage dealt to all targets is at 208% of ATK (Activates Automatically).
5 25
Level 3 Held COST +9; when there are enemies within 2 tiles, damage dealt to all targets is at 108% of ATK (Activates Automatically).
When Held COST is 40+, held COST +3, and when there are enemies within 2 tiles, damage dealt to all targets is at 216% of ATK (Activates Automatically).
5 25
Level 4 Held COST +9; when there are enemies within 2 tiles, damage dealt to all targets is at 112% of ATK (Activates Automatically).
When Held COST is 40+, held COST +3, and when there are enemies within 2 tiles, damage dealt to all targets is at 224% of ATK (Activates Automatically).
5 25
Level 5 Held COST +9; when there are enemies within 2 tiles, damage dealt to all targets is at 116% of ATK (Activates Automatically).
When Held COST is 40+, held COST +3, and when there are enemies within 2 tiles, damage dealt to all targets is at 232% of ATK (Activates Automatically).
5 25
Level 6 Held COST +9; when there are enemies within 2 tiles, damage dealt to all targets is at 120% of ATK (Activates Automatically).
When Held COST is 40+, held COST +3, and when there are enemies within 2 tiles, damage dealt to all targets is at 240% of ATK (Activates Automatically).
5 25
Level 7 Held COST +9; when there are enemies within 2 tiles, damage dealt to all targets is at 125% of ATK (Activates Automatically).
When Held COST is 40+, held COST +3, and when there are enemies within 2 tiles, damage dealt to all targets is at 250% of ATK (Activates Automatically).
5 25
Level 8 {{{effect8}}} Y X
Level 9 {{{effect9}}} Y X
Level 10 {{{effect10}}} Y X
Skill Upgrades

Interactions and Crystalline Good[edit | edit source]

Orca Show: Curtains!
[Marine Tamer] Amorey

Crystalline Good [template edit]


In other languages[edit | edit source]

Japanese Traditional Chinese
Amorey アモレー Amorē 阿莫勒 Āmòlèi
Paradise of Schools of Fish 魚群パラダイス Gyogunparadaisu 魚群樂園 Yúqúnlèyuán
Orca Show: Curtains! 開演!オルカショー Kaien! Orukashō 虎鯨秀開演! Hǔjīngxiùkāiyǎn !
Marine Tamer マリンテイマー Marinteimā 海洋馴獸師 Hǎiyángxúnshòushī
Small Sea Terrarium 小さな海のテラリウム Chīsanauminoterariumu 小小海洋水族缸 Xiǎoxiǎohǎiyángshuǐzúgāng

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Amorey's eyes are blue in this alt's artwork and sprites.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Amorey (Summer) is a vanguard unit capable of switching roles from primary cost generator to an aoe nuke dps without much intervention from the player, on top of being to support allies in dealing with enemies due to his nature.
  • His nature encourages him to be in the frontlines and block incoming mobs, despite his defensive stats. And ideally he should not bait any extra damage aside enemies affected by his nature.
  • Under 40 cost, his skill is one of the best cost generation rates in the game at 0.36 cost/sec, while it will be otherwise be 0.13 cost/sec.
  • His skill activates regardless if any targets will be affected, which might hamper optimizing his damage, though the cooldown is short enough that it might not be as much of a big deal.
  • At max investment, his active skill's nuke peaks at 832.5.