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Revision as of 20:30, 14 November 2022 by Rakushun (talk | contribs)
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Casters specialize in dealing large amounts of long-ranged magic damage. They are able to hit flying enemies. Their Skills usually focus on increasing the damage they do. They usually have low HP and Defense, so it's recommend you support them with healing and defense.

General Characteristics

  • Ranged Magic Damage
  • High Attack
  • Slow to Medium Attack Speed
  • Low HP and Defense
  • High Cost
  • Block 1 Enemy
  • Damage Skills, Damage Buff Skills


  • Inflict range magic damage on the enemy
  • Inflict magic damage on the enemy. Attacks deal AoE splash damage.
  • Characters

    Vanguard [template edit]






    Shooter [template edit]






    Fighter [template edit]






    Support [template edit]





    Healer [template edit]






    Caster [template edit]






    Guard [template edit]






    Stranger [template edit]



    Characters [template edit]

    Max Stats Chart

    Keep in mind that this only charts Damage per Second without factoring in Natures, Skills, or Traits, or enemy Defense.
    Actual in-battle DPS can differ greatly from raw DPS.

    Bronze Rank

    Character HP Attack Defense Res Attack Spd DPS (Attack/AS) Cost RD Block Rarity
    Mage Goblin 1130 326 50 10 2.7 120.7 15 70 1 1☆
    Pays Blanc Sorcerer 719 341 65 10 1.6 213.1 15 70 1 1☆
    Mage Mummy 723 342 62 10 2.7 126.6 20 70 2 2☆
    Pirate Sorcerer 930 349 64 10 1.6 218.1 16 70 1 2☆
    Baran 839 354 67 10 1.6 221.3 17 70 1 3☆
    Fu 785 370 59 10 1.6 231.3 18 70 1 4☆
    Rai 737 355 69 15 2.7 131.5 22 70 1 4☆
    Yabsakha 732 382 62 10 1.6 238.8 19 70 1 5☆
    Zacharoff 782 340 77 15 1.8 188.9 21 70 1 6☆
    Dakkar 943 388 85 0 1.6 242.5 20 70 1 6☆
    Rothhart 1121 369 84 0 1.5 246 17 70 1 5☆

    Silver Rank

    Character HP Attack Defense Res Attack Spd DPS (Attack/AS) Cost RD Block Rarity
    Fu 1060 463 62 10 1.6 289.38 18 70 1 4☆
    Rai 995 444 73 15 2.7 164.44 22 70 1 4☆
    Zacharoff 1134 532 84 15 1.8 295.56 21 70 1 6☆
    Yabsakha 1017 493 67 10 1.6 308.13 19 70 1 5☆
    Dakkar 1231 502 88 0 1.6 313.75 20 70 1 6☆
    Baran 954 481 71 10 1.6 300.63 17 70 1 3☆
    Nitro (Summer) 1175 562 73 10 1.6 351.25 19 70 1 5☆
    Ragnar (Summer) 1252 596 130 10 1.75 340.57 21 70 1 6☆

    [edit] The Class System