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*[[Pino]]: 3/10 <br>  His DPS(115) is so low that it's even lower than every 1-star character . The Attack Speed boost from his Skill is insignificant, the cooldown is long for its effect, and it requires positioning around.  He's saved from 1 /10 by his long range, and the fact that because his cooldown restarts upon firing his Skill, you can usually have the Attack Speed boost from his Skill up infinitely, which is nice, especially when paired with Healers.  Rating should improve at higher Skill levels and promotions in the future. His Nature is okay against tanky enemies but not very helpful against everything else.
*[[Pino]]: 3/10 <br>  His DPS(115) is so low that it's even lower than every 1-star character . The Attack Speed boost from his Skill is insignificant, the cooldown is long for its effect, and it requires positioning around.  He's saved from 1 /10 by his long range, and the fact that because his cooldown restarts upon firing his Skill, you can usually have the Attack Speed boost from his Skill up infinitely, which is nice, especially when paired with Healers.  Rating should improve at higher Skill levels and promotions in the future. His Nature is okay against tanky enemies but not very helpful against everything else.
*[[Rasho]]: 9/10 <br> Gets an extremely high attack boost when you turn back into human form, giving him the high attack in the game by far. Not useful for much else, and it isn't permanent, but it's still by far the highest Attack in the game.
*[[Rasho]]: 9/10 <br> Gets an extremely high attack boost when you turn back into human form, giving him the high attack in the game by far. Not useful for much else, and it isn't permanent, but it's still by far the highest Attack in the game.
*[[Siddeley]]: 10/10 <br> Currently bugged to be unkillable, making him the best blocker possible.  Has good DPS with an easy auto skill as well.
*[[Siddeley]]: 8/10 <br> Similar to Barlitz, he's a powerful beatstick with good stats and tanking potential, but not much else.  Has good DPS with an easy auto skill as well.
*[[Theodor]]: 10/10 <br> Currently he's bugged to continually increase his attack speed even if he's at full health.  He heals as he hits, and is extremely efficient, and like Leon is able to solo certain difficult lanes all on his own.
*[[Theodor]]: 10/10 <br> Currently he's bugged to continually increase his attack speed even if he's at full health.  He heals as he hits, and is extremely efficient, and like Leon is able to solo certain difficult lanes all on his own.
*[[Thomas]]: 10/10 <br> At the moment, he's bugged to be able to heal with his attack even though he isn't supposed to be able to attack at all in the first place.  This makes him the fastest healer in the game, despite not being the Healer class.  Has high range as well.  His Skill is bugged, but even with that he's by far the best healer.
*[[Thomas]]: 10/10 <br> At the moment, he's bugged to be able to heal with his attack even though he isn't supposed to be able to attack at all in the first place.  This makes him the fastest healer in the game, despite not being the Healer class.  Has high range as well.  His Skill is bugged, but even with that he's by far the best healer.

Revision as of 21:28, 15 April 2022

The only way to win this game is to not play.


The stat gains from raising Proficiency start experiencing diminishing returns very quickly. At the moment, it's not a wise use of Draco to enhance any of your units past +10 at the absolute most, with +7 or +8 being a fair stopping point. The stat gains at around +7 quickly drop and become very minimal. Since it's not easy to farm large amounts of Draco, enhancing units to high + amounts is difficult to recover from, with minimal gain.

Attack Priority

If there are multiple attackable allies within an enemies range, the enemy will always prioritize the ally that was deployed LAST. Because of this, you should never deploy your most easily killable allies last in stages with a lot of ranged enemies. Put down your squishiest units first, and then defend them by deploying your tank units afterwards to draw fire.

You can also use this tactic to deploy a unit near an ally that's about to die so that enemies will turn their attention towards your fresh unit and away from your dying unit. Keep in mind that, of course, your unit must be within the enemy attack range for this to work. Enemies will neither change their pathing, nor attack out of their possible range just to attack the most recently deployed ally.

Depending on the stage, it could also be wise to NOT deploy your last unit at the very front of your defenses. If you do, they will not only take all the damage from ranged attacks, but they will have to deal with the advancing melee enemies as well. If you're on a stage with strong enemies, this could overwhelm them. It could be wiser to spread out the damage instead of having one unit deal with both melee enemy units and ranged.

3-Starring a Stage

In order to get 3 stars on a stage, you must not let a single enemy reach your base, nor allow any of your allies to die. There are no other requirements.
You can manually retreat an ally before it dies and still get 3 stars. Retreating a unit does not count as a death. To make retreating a unit easier, play in 1x speed instead of 2x. This will give you more time to notice a unit is about to be defeated and retreat it. Keep enemy attack priority in mind when doing this to make sure enemies don't switch their priority to an even squishier unit.

Viewing Mode

If you're having trouble placing units in certain areas because the UI is cutting off certain parts, and you're playing on an emulator, try switching to either Widescreen or Ultrascreen mode. This will zoom out the battle area greatly.
(Note: As of the latest 4/7/2022 patch, there's no longer any advantage to playing in widescreen or ultrascreen. This tip will stay up temporarily to see if the change will get reverted within the next few patches)

Character Ratings

A rating of each individual unit and notes about them. Ratings do take their star rarity into account to some extent (a 6-star is expected to be able to perform well, while it's acceptable for a 1-star character to be below average). Note that these ratings are opinions, not fact. Use whatever units you want. You should only use this section if you're struggling and need help clearing a stage. The game is more fun when you try to clear using only the characters you like!

1-Star Units ☆


  • Aerial Goblin: 7/10
    Fast attack speed with flexible attack range, and placeable anywhere.
  • Bandit Ballista: 7/10
    Long range makes him easy to place and contribute without having to be supported.
  • Goblin Archer: 5/10
    Standard archer with a basic skill.
  • Goblin Fighter: 9/10
    Bugged to always ignore defense when he attacks. While he is fragile, he can defeat most things before they defeat him. Surprisingly good back-up if your team is missing damage and, outside of his fragileness, is better than most higher star units due to his bug.
  • Goblin Rider: 6.5/10
    Extremely low cost and fast cost gain, but weak as an actual fighter.
  • Mage Goblin: 4/10
    Below-average Caster character with a basic skill. Relies too much on his Skill just to be average.
  • Pays Blanc Archer: 6.5/10
    For 1 star shooter, he has pretty high Attack, and low Cost makes him easy to use.
  • Pays Blanc Soldier: 2/10
    Currently bugged to where his Nature is worse than nothing at all.
  • Pays Blanc Sorcerer: 5/10
    Standard Caster with a basic skill. Has high Cost with not much payoff. Like most Skills, his is poorly worded and increases his damage by 50%, not 150%.

2-Star Units ☆☆


  • Archer Mummy:3.5/10
    Takes a while to warm up and doesn't do that much when he does.
  • Imperial Artillery Soldier:
  • Large Mummy:5/10
    Gains COST while still being a fighter. He is slower than the average fighter and that hurts his dps. He is okay but not great at any role.
  • Mage Mummy: 3/10
    Costly and slow. Has an okay skill but that is about all that is note worthy.
  • Mummy: 6/10
    Standard fighter with a self heal.
  • Obsidonian Imperial Archer: 3/10
    He was great until his attack speed was fixed. Now he is one of the weaker overall archers.
  • Obsidonian Imperial Cavalry: 1/10
    Both weak in combat and as a COST battery. The worst vanguard. There isn't much reason to use him over goblin rider if you want mob vanguard.
  • Obsidonian Imperial Halberdier: 4/10
    Decent starter guard.
  • Pirate Medic: 6.5/10
    A healer that is good enough in most cases
  • Pirate Musketeer: 8.5/10
    Very fast Attack Speed with wide range makes him a very flexible unit, especially for a 2 star.
  • Pirate Sorcerer: 7/10
    Easily the best mob mage.
  • Pirate Swordsman: 6/10
    Good filler fighter. Nothing too special about him just solid.

3-Star Units ☆☆☆


  • Amorey: 6/10
    His Skill doesn't stun. It's also poorly phrased and increases Attack by 35%, not 135%. Despite this it is on a really low cooldown, and doesn't do nothing at all. Decent for a 3 star but not great.
  • Arcana:
  • Bantu:
  • Baran: 8/10
    Generally decent all-around. Flexible range, a Skill that's easy to use and never turns off, good DPS, and is easily obtained from Flyers. Skill has a long charge time, but Baran still has a use.
  • Charlotte: 7/10
    Standard heal-per-second rate. His Nature is not very helpful, and the Attack Speed and Defense buffs from his Skill are very small. Even though it's a Skill that can only ever affect a single character, it's weaker than most AoE buff skills. However, he is the only Healer in the game to buff somebody else and not himself, so even though his Skill is weak, it can be better than nothing.
  • Dyne:
  • Elaine: 9/10
    Heals everyone just by being on the field. Bugged to globally heal by her HP instead of her ATK as stated. While she technically has the lowest raw heals-per-second rate among Healers, when combined with her Nature, in practical terms she actually has the second highest. Her Nature can't be relied on to heal far-away allies in difficult 4-star challenges, but in standard stages she can usually be all you need.
  • Flet: 6.5/10
    Useful Nature and extremely useful Skill. Unfortunately his Skill has such a high SP cost that it can only be used sparingly. Good for short, tough stages.
  • Gymnos:
  • Kongoh: 8/10
    Not great for cost generation, but his Skill does have a wide range and stuns for a noticeably long time. Can be a life saver in a pitch. When paired with Kagura, he makes an efficient blocker as well.
  • Robin: 8.5/10
    One of the fastest healers in a meta where speed is usually more important than raw Attack value. Has a fairly useful Skill despite only being a 3 star. He does have the lowest Attack among Healers, but outside of certain 4 star stages, his Attack is still high enough to fully mitigate most enemy attacks. His Skill also helps offset his low Attack.
  • Seals:
  • Yurt: 7/10
    Has average healing ability and is good enough to suit current healing needs. The slow from his Nature is nearly non-existent, but the slow from his Skill is at least better than nothing. Unfortunately Yurt's Slow is vastly inferior to Dakkar's Slow, and it does not appear to stack with Dakkars, making Yurt superfluous if you have him.

4-Star Units ☆☆☆☆


  • Alec: 8/10
    Only has average stats, but his Skill has a low SP cost for its effect, boasting a wide range of effect and good damage. Extremely useful for helping to clear out hordes of weaker enemies. (Skill is currently bugged)
  • Fu: 8/10
    Very strong mage in both base stats and skill/nature.
  • Kagura: 8/10
    The only Healer that can be put on the ground. Has very high defense. Only has 1 Block, but he can Block nearly anything forever as long as he doesn't have to split his healing.
  • Karetovi:
  • Leonhart: 10/10
    One of the highest DPS units in the game, if not THE highest, and given for free. Because he kills so quickly, he's a better tank than most Guards.
  • Lute: 7/10
    Powerful COST battery. Weak in combat.
  • Nitro: 6/10
    High Attack, but slow Attack Speed combined with AoE damage splitting means he usually doesn't do as much damage as one might expect. His Skill has an element of randomness to it and can potentially miss, making him a bit awkward to use.
  • Ornis: 4/10: When he has to heal multiple units, his healing spreads himself too thin and weak most of the time. He has the most problems keeping a team healed. Has a unique healing range that can make him easier to place in some scenarios, but makes him harder to place in most. Due to the low magic damage enemies already do, his Nature is actually helpful in reaching the damage reduction cap for magic attacks, but it's still a small effect.
  • Patty: 6/10
    His self-heal Skill is very powerful, but very poor DPS. While not being able to be healed by others can seem like a large downside, this ability helps not distract Healers from healing other allies while Patty heals himself, so they do not waste heals. Patty can also be healed by indirect forms of healing such as with Thomas and Elaine. Currently his Skill is bugged to not provide Defense, but once it does, he should become even more useful.
  • Pugi:
  • Rai: 2/10
    Ultra slow and costly while not amazing on the damage. His stun also only affects the main target and is pretty short so it doesn't make that much of a difference.
  • Thorkell: 4/10
    Has good range and can be put on the ground, which is rare and helpful, but his Nature is borderline useless (it doesn't work much differently than if he just had a +5% Defense buff) and doesn't make a lot of sense (you don't want him to get hit anyway) and his Skill doesn't work. Even if his Skill did work, it wouldn't suit a Supporter and would be borderline useless.

5-Star Units ☆☆☆☆☆


  • Barlitz:4/10
    Weak. He has a nature that requires constant breaks in combat and doesn't really do enough to care about it. His skill is a pure gamble that the only upside is that it might clear some difficult 4 star missions. His stats are nothing special overall either.
  • Brut:
  • Hanzo: 9/10
    Powerful DPS for a Supporter. One of the few units with range that can be put on the ground. His Skill helps add even more DPS and helps him become a good blocker. Bansho can also be put in a lane to help delay enemies further.
  • Harimau: 8.5/10
    Very fast attack speed, good damage, and an AoE heal Skill. The heal is not very substantial, but it helps.
  • Hulk: 9/10
    His Skill recharges fast and makes him sustainable nearly on his own while dealing high damage. Basically a slightly inferior Theodor.
  • Morgan: 7.5/10
    Has very low range, making him hard to place efficiently, but he is the most efficient Healer for keeping a small row of units alive. Morgan has the fastest Attack Speed among the Healer class and the highest Attack. While he is the beat Healer by far for keeping a unit alive, at the moment having a large attack range is generally more important.
  • Ragnar: 8.5/10
    His ability to automatically heal himself and all Vanguards makes him surprisingly sustainable. Has extremely fast attack speed, and good damage. His Skill isn't as good as Rooks, but it can still be used to save himself.
  • Romanes: 6.5/10
    Good range and good attack, but slow attack speed. He does have the second highest heal-per-second rate, but in the current meta attack speed and extra utility are more useful than a singular big heal. His Skill is currently bugged and doesn't work, but he should perform much better once fixed. Nature is useful and pairs well with Zacharoff, but there aren't enough redeploy tricks to abuse it. While he's not any worse than most other Healers, for a 5-star unit, he falls a little short of expectations until his Skill is fixed.
  • Rook: 9/10
    Low cost, above-average DPS, efficient Cost gain skill. His Skill makes him invincible while active, making him a better block than most Guards if timed correctly. His Nature can potentially be detrimental, but overall it increases his survivability.
  • Sasuke Sarutobi: 8.5/10
    A slightly worse Hanzo, but still good. Another high DPS with range that can be put on the ground. Has slightly higher DPS than Hanzo naturally, but Skill isn't quite as useful due to low damage output and randomization. Unlike Hanzo, he can hit aerial units, so in some stages he is better than Hanzo.
  • Sol: 4/10
    Despite being a 5-star there's nothing special about him. His Skill and Nature both have little impact and his DPS on his own is poor. He takes hits well and that's it.
  • Stalon:
  • Wrecker: 5/10
    Unimpressive for a 5-star. His Attack stat is lower than Pays Blanc Archer, a 1 star, and his DPS is lower than Pirate Muskeeter, a 2 star unit. However, his Skill does increase his attack speed a very noticeable amount, especially at higher Skill levels. At least a 7/10 unit with his Skill on, but a 3/10 without it.
  • Yabsakha:

6-Star Units ☆☆☆☆☆☆


  • Bart: 8/10
    He has the highest raw Attack in the entire game and the highest raw DPS in the game (before any Skills or Natures or buffs factor in). Having high Attack means he benefits more from % based Attack buffs more than any other character. However, his Skill behaves oddly and usually doesn't seem to do the damage it should be doing, and sometimes does nothing at all. Also, only being able to place traps within his attack range is a bit superfluous, and he has the lowest range among all Supporters. His Nature is also bugged for now and doesn't work.
  • Bashkar: 7.5/10
    Low cost, high DPS. Not great for building up Cost due to not having a Cost-related Skill or Nature despite being a Vanguard.
  • Billford: 8/10
    Fairly vanilla, but good at it. He's simply a beatstick with above average stats, boasting high HP, Attack, Defense, and good attack speed. One of the few characters that can 3-star 1-6 without any help or using any Skills.
  • Dakkar: 8/10
    He has the most powerful slow in the game that lasts a while. This allows you to stall lanes that are difficult or have bosses in them. He also is pretty good dps at in the meantime. He would be better if there was more high hp threats, but he is good as he is now.
  • Edgar: 8.5/10
    Almost ties with Bart for the highest natural DPS in the game. High Attack, fast attack speed, good range, and can hit aerial units. His Skill leaves a little bit to be desired, especially for a 6-star unit, but it has its uses.
  • Equus: 3/10
    Nature is bugged to not heal him, but even if it worked it's not a great Nature. His Nature works best by placing him early, but he's too expensive to do this optimally. Skill is a basic Cost gain skill and not very useful. It's a bit awkward to use due to the fact that it requires 7 units to already be placed for maximum effect, at which point you rarely even need Cost anymore. Equus is basically a Vanguard that was misclassed as an expensive Guard. For a 6-star unit, which are expected to be powerful, he falls very short.
  • Jalam: 9/10
    His Skill is a little tricky to use and requires some setup, but it is extremely powerful and destroys all nearby enemies when setup and used correctly. He's also able to hit aerial units for some reason. Only downside is that it's not viable to set up his Skill on every stage, and damaging your own allies has risks.
  • Jinnosuke: 9/10
    Has very high damage when his Skill is enabled. Long range that can be put on the ground. Possibly bugged to always Crit while it's on?
  • Pino: 3/10
    His DPS(115) is so low that it's even lower than every 1-star character . The Attack Speed boost from his Skill is insignificant, the cooldown is long for its effect, and it requires positioning around. He's saved from 1 /10 by his long range, and the fact that because his cooldown restarts upon firing his Skill, you can usually have the Attack Speed boost from his Skill up infinitely, which is nice, especially when paired with Healers. Rating should improve at higher Skill levels and promotions in the future. His Nature is okay against tanky enemies but not very helpful against everything else.
  • Rasho: 9/10
    Gets an extremely high attack boost when you turn back into human form, giving him the high attack in the game by far. Not useful for much else, and it isn't permanent, but it's still by far the highest Attack in the game.
  • Siddeley: 8/10
    Similar to Barlitz, he's a powerful beatstick with good stats and tanking potential, but not much else. Has good DPS with an easy auto skill as well.
  • Theodor: 10/10
    Currently he's bugged to continually increase his attack speed even if he's at full health. He heals as he hits, and is extremely efficient, and like Leon is able to solo certain difficult lanes all on his own.
  • Thomas: 10/10
    At the moment, he's bugged to be able to heal with his attack even though he isn't supposed to be able to attack at all in the first place. This makes him the fastest healer in the game, despite not being the Healer class. Has high range as well. His Skill is bugged, but even with that he's by far the best healer.
  • Volund: 11/10
    Currently his Skill is bugged to give massive amounts of stats to everyone. Whoops!
  • Zacharoff: 7/10
    His Nature is too tricky to build around on most stages to be very worth it. Even with the max bonus (+150) his DPS is still lower than some characters at their base, but it's enough to make him the best at AoE splash magic damage. His Skill has an unclear damage effect. The healing portion is usually unnecessary as he won't be getting hit most of the time. A high risk, medium reward character.

Raw DPS Chart

See Max Stats Table
Keep in mind that this only charts Damage per Second without factoring in Natures, Skills, or Traits, or enemy Defense.
Actual in-battle DPS can differ greatly from raw DPS. This should not be taken as a serious indicator of usefulness and is mostly just for fun trivia purposes.