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Vanguards specialize in building up Cost. They typically take low Cost to deploy, and usually have Skills that increase your total Cost. In addition, Vanguards gain 1 Cost whenever they land the killing blow on an enemy, and their Cost amount is refunded when you manually retreat them. By default, they are unable to hit flying enemies.

General Characteristics[edit | edit source]

They serve as early game dps and lane holders. In certain challenge maps, they are mandatory for generating cost to deploy other units.

  • Deploy Tile: Low Ground
  • Damage Type: Single-Target Physical
  • Attack Reach: Ground
  • Moderate to High Offense
  • Moderate Survivability
  • Low Cost, Can Withdraw Cost, Can Generate Cost
  • Blocks 1 to 2 Enemies
  • Kit geared between two roles: generating cost, and lane holding (improving personal dps, survivability, or both)

Typical Traits[edit | edit source]

  • COST +1 per enemy defeated. Reimburses deploy COST upon withdrawal.

Roles[edit | edit source]

Vanguards' roles in combat are defined by whether their skill can generate cost on their own or not. Wherein vanguards who do not generate cost typically act as early game psuedo-fighters meant to generate cost through killing and holding lanes on their own. It is notable that purely generating cost is accomplish best by lower rarities who have stats that fall off in later parts of a fight and meant to be replaced by a more capable lane-holder, while higher rarities focus more on invalidating the need of bringing in a fighter or even a healer to the fight. In most cases, though, cost generation isn't a big problem outside of 4 star challenges and maps with early waves of enemies.

Cost Generation by Skill[edit | edit source]

Table below is a theoretical comparison of cost generation between vanguards using their highest level of skills, disregarding their cost-on-kill capabilities. It is also assumed Ragnar, Rook, and Rai activate their skills at instant they are ready always.

Time Required to Generate Cost (in secs)
7+ 28+ 48+ 86+
Lute 26 64 140 330
Seals 21 77 161 357
Ragnar 20 90 158 365
Goblin Rider 18 132 246 512
Obsidonian Rider 18 132 246 512
Rai 42 168 288 576
Rook 34 200 283 615

Cost Generation by Kill[edit | edit source]

Cost generation can be loosely determined by a character's DPS. You can refer to stats chart below or on Max Stats Table for more info. In Addition, most vanguards who do not generate cost on their skills have a higher raw dps and ceiling than those with one. All high rarity vanguards tend to compete with guards in terms of DPS and rely on kills for cost generation.

Also to note, if a Vanguard class changes as part of their kit, they do not generate cost by killing since they technically have changed classes. (eg. Rasho's Fighter form)

Characters[edit | edit source]

Vanguard [template edit]

Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character

Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character

Limited/Alternate Character

Limited/Alternate Character
Limited/Alternate Character

Limited/Alternate Character

Limited/Alternate Character
[edit] The Class System