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Scouting a character involves one of the following: spend Dragon Vein stones or Edgar Tickets to pull on Pick Up Banners, use farmable Flyers, or get them as stage rewards. Other items such as specific rarity tickets and referrals are also options if you happen to spend on the game.

Free Characters

You can obtain free characters via completing the main storyline. See Main Storyline for more info.

Recruitment Flyers

Flyers can recruit any character from 1 to 6 star rarity, however the odds are extraordinarily low.

  • New units are added to the flyer pool as they are released. It's unknown if limited units are added to the pool.
  • The rarity of the flyer does not effect the rarity of the characters scouted.
  • The drop rate for flyers has been estimated through 2000 consecutive trials of PN - 3.
  • Upon inquiry regarding flyer recruit rates and changes to the pool Habbit has responded "rates for the Recruitment Flyers units are considered undisclosed specification. Therefore, we are unable to provide detailed information regarding your inquiry."

Flyer Drop Rates

All story and event missions have a chance to drop a Blank, Green, Blue, or Purple recruitment flyer, sometimes they won't drop a flyer at all. Exploration missions do not drop flyers. The number of characters scouted from recruitment flyers and the probability of obtaining one after clearing a mission are as follows:

Item Number of Scouts Drop Rate
10 Blank Flyers scouts 1 character. 64.80%
1 Green Flyer scouts 1 character. 13.90%
1 Blue Flyer scouts 2 characters. 7.95%
1 Purple Flyer scouts 3 characters. 3.20%

Weighted Average of Characters Obtained per Mission Clear = 0.46

Flyer Scout Rates

Habbit made adjustments to the flyer pool in version 1.2.9. These rates were obtained prior to version 1.2.9 and might be inaccurate

4000 consecutive flyer scouts resulted in the following quantities:

  • 1 stars: 950 (23.75%)
  • 2 stars: 1393 (34.83%)
  • 3 stars: 1630 (40.75%)
  • 4 stars: 25 (0.63%)
  • 5 stars: 2 (0.05%)
  • 6 stars: 0 (<0.025%)

Flyers Gacha Pool

Every unit available at launch is on the pool. New characters are not added to this pool as they launch and may take some time before they do. As of 1.2.9, players note receiving newer units from banners as recent as Lisa from Azureterra banner.

Jinnosuke / Zacharoff / Siddeley / Jalam 
Theodor / Thomas / Bashkar / Bart  / Billford / Edgar
Rasho / Dakkar /  Pino / Jade /  Equus / Kafka / Hellion

Rook / Sol / Brute / Hulk 
Wrecker / Morgan / Yabsakha / Ragnar / Romanes 
Harimau / Beelzebub / Rothart / Corca
Barlitz / Hanzo / Stalon

Kagura / Karetovi / Lute / Thorkell 
Nitro / Patty / Fu / Pugi 
Rai / Leonhart / Ornis
Lisa / Alec

Arcana / Elaine / Gymnos / Dyne 
Baran / Bantu / Flet / Charlotte 
Yurt / Robin / Amorey / Seals

Mummy Mobs / Obsidonian Imperial Mobs / Pirate Mobs

Bandit Ballista / Goblin Mobs / Pays Blanc Soldier Mobs

Premium Scouting

  • To scout a unit from the banners the player needs either 1 Edgar's Freebie Ticket or 4 Dragon stones.
  • It doesn't matter if the player uses freebie tickets or dragon stones the scout rates are the same.
  • All new units are added into the latest gacha banner, unless they are explicitly stated as limited.
  • There is no pity system and there is no benefit in doing 10 pulls.
  • There is a benefit to performing consecutive single pulls rather than saving for a multi-pull. If the player scouts their targeted featured unit within the first few single pulls they no longer need to pull on the banner and can use the remaining stones they would have used on the next banner.
  • An inquiry was sent to Habbit regarding future improvements to the premium scouting system and if they plan to add a pity system. Habbit responded "regarding your inquiry, we regret to inform you that we are unable to disclose the content of the update."
  • Paid stones expire 180 days after purchase, which means they are removed from your inventory if you don't use them. Free stones and stones obtained from the monthly pass do not expire. Paid stones are automatically used first when scouting.

Standard Rates

  • 6-Star Appearance Rate: 2%
  • 5-Star Appearance Rate: 10%
  • 4-Star Appearance Rate: 50%
  • 3-Star Appearance: 38%

Pick Up Rates

  • Pick up units get 1% rate up each, taken from the 3 star appearance rate.
  • Release Celebration Pick Up 2 gave Billford a 2% rate up.

Standard Scouting Pool


<div style="display:inline-table">
★6 Appearance Rate 2% (19)
Jinnosuke / Zacharoff / Siddeley / Jalam
Theodor / Thomas / Bashkar / Bart
Billford / Edgar / Rasho/ Pino
Dakkar/ Volund / Equus / Jade
Kafka / Hellion /Rougarou*

★5 Appearance Rate 10% (19)
Rook / Sol / Brute / Hulk
Wrecker / Morgan / Yabsakha / Ragnar
Romanes / Sarutobi / Hanzo / Harimau
Stalon / Barlitz / Corca / Beelzebub
Rothhart / Gordov / Dward**

★4 Appearance Rate 50% (13)
Kagura / Karetovi / Lute / Thorkell
Nitro / Patty / Fu / Pugi
Rai / Leonhart / Ornis/ Alec

★3 Appearance Rate 34% (13)
Arcana / Elaine / Gymnos / Dyne
Baran / Bantu / Flet / Charlotte
Yurt / Robin / Amorey / Seals

* Exclusive to "No Way I'm Taking Part in Erotic Wrestling!!"
** Exclusive to "Pervert Monster Championship!!"
Character Rates (Single) Rates (Multi)
Rougarou 1.105%
Scouts Chance to Obtain
10 10.52%
20 19.93%
30 28.35%
40 35.89%
50 42.63%
60 48.67%
70 54.07%
80 58.90%
90 63.22%
100 67.09%
Gordov 1.526%
Scouts Chance to Obtain
10 14.26%
20 26.48%
30 36.96%
40 45.95%
50 53.65%
60 60.26%
70 65.93%
80 70.78%
90 74.95%
100 78.52%
Hulk 1.526%
Scouts Chance to Obtain
10 14.26%
20 26.48%
30 36.96%
40 45.95%
50 53.65%
60 60.26%
70 65.93%
80 70.78%
90 74.95%
100 78.52%
Off-Banner ★6 0.105% 1.048%
Off-Banner ★5 0.526% 5.140%
Off-Banner ★4 3.846% 32.444%
Off-Banner ★3 2.692% 23.885%
Character Rates (Single) Rates (Multi)
Rougarou 1.105%
Scouts Chance to Obtain
10 10.52%
20 19.93%
30 28.35%
40 35.89%
50 42.63%
60 48.67%
70 54.07%
80 58.90%
90 63.22%
100 67.09%
Gordov 1.526%
Scouts Chance to Obtain
10 14.26%
20 26.48%
30 36.96%
40 45.95%
50 53.65%
60 60.26%
70 65.93%
80 70.78%
90 74.95%
100 78.52%
Hulk 1.526%
Scouts Chance to Obtain
10 14.26%
20 26.48%
30 36.96%
40 45.95%
50 53.65%
60 60.26%
70 65.93%
80 70.78%
90 74.95%
100 78.52%
Off-Banner ★6 0.105% 1.048%
Off-Banner ★5 0.526% 5.140%
Off-Banner ★4 3.846% 32.444%
Off-Banner ★3 2.692% 23.885%
Character Rates (Single) Rates (Multi)
Rougarou 1.105%
Scouts Chance to Obtain
10 10.52%
20 19.93%
30 28.35%
40 35.89%
50 42.63%
60 48.67%
70 54.07%
80 58.90%
90 63.22%
100 67.09%
Gordov 1.526%
Scouts Chance to Obtain
10 14.26%
20 26.48%
30 36.96%
40 45.95%
50 53.65%
60 60.26%
70 65.93%
80 70.78%
90 74.95%
100 78.52%
Hulk 1.526%
Scouts Chance to Obtain
10 14.26%
20 26.48%
30 36.96%
40 45.95%
50 53.65%
60 60.26%
70 65.93%
80 70.78%
90 74.95%
100 78.52%
Off-Banner ★6 0.105% 1.048%
Off-Banner ★5 0.526% 5.140%
Off-Banner ★4 3.846% 32.444%
Off-Banner ★3 2.692% 23.885%


To calculate the odds of scouting a specific unit use the following equation:

R = S/T, where
 R = Odds of scouting a specific unit in a single pull
 S = Standard rate for a unit's rarity on the banner you're currently scouting
 T = Total number of units currently with the same rarity on that banner
 If the unit is currently "Rate Up" on the banner add +1% to their calculated odds.

To calculate the probability of scouting a specific unit in N pulls at least once use the following equation:

P = 1-((100%-R)^N), where
 P = Probability of scouting the unit at least once
 R = The odds of scouting a specific unit in a single pull
 N = number of single pulls

Partner Referrals

Partner Referrals allow you to scout a unit of corresponding rarity at random. Partner referrals do not expire.

  • Some of these are currently available from purchasing specific bundles.
  • It is currently unclear if the pool from Partner Referral is updated with new units, or not.
  • An inquiry was submitted to Habbit asking if Partner Referral tickets include new units, Habbit responded "We would like to inform you that we do not currently disclose the probability rate for Partner Referral tickets."

Partner Scout Tickets

Partner Scout Tickets allow you to choose any unit you desire of corresponding rarity. Units are limited to the pool on ticket's description. Partner Scout Tickets do not expire.

  • Most of these were purchasable in the shop during Half-Anniversary Event.

Recommendation Letters

Recommendation letters let you scout a specific unit. Currently the only obtainable Recommendation Letter can be bought from the shop as part of the Edgar Pack. Otherwise they are shown on the rewards screen for several chapter 0 missions and are immediately redeemed when added to your warehouse. Recommendation Letters do not expire.

Banner Image Pick-up Name Nation Focus Pick-ups Duration (JST)
Investigate the Endless Mating Season! Verdancia Walther, Pugi, Lute, Pius, Siddeley, Anima 8/19/2022 - 10/7/2022
Pervert Monster Championship!! Obsidonia Bashkar, Dward, Dyne. Bantu

(Rougarou and Gordov are not in the pool)

7/29/2022 - 9/9/2022
No Way I'm Taking Part in Erotic Wrestling!! Obsidonia Rougarou, Gordov, Hulk

(Dward is not in the pool)

7/15/2022 - 9/2/2022
Half Anniversary N/A Amorey (Half-Anniversary), Jalam, Zacharoff, Hellion (Young)

(Amorey and Hellion are limited units exclusive to this pick-up;

Rougarou and Gordov are not in the pool)

6/24/2022 - 07/29/2022
Save Thy Lover from Castle of Pandemonium Obsidonia Hellion, Beelzebub, Gymnos

(Kafka and Rotthart are not in the pool)

6/10/2022 - 07/23/2022
Relief Request from the Emperor Himself Obsidonia Kafka, Rothhart, Dyne

(Hellion and Beelzebub are not in the pool)

5/20/2022 - 07/08/2022
Azureterra Azureterra Theodor,Bart, Pino, Ragnar,Patty, Thorkell, Lisa

(Kafka and Rotthart are not in the pool)

4/29/2022 - 6/3/2022
Day & Night in Pays Blanc 1 Pays Blanc Equus, Barlitz, Rook, Billford

(Corca and Jade are not in the pool)

3/31/2022 - 5/27/2022
Day & Night in Pays Blanc 2 Pays Blanc Corca, Jade, Edgar, Romanes

(Barlitz and Equus are not in the pool)

4/15/2022 - 5/27/2022
The Black Emerald Pays Blanc Volund, Stalon, Alec, Yurt 2/25/2022 - 3/31/2022
Viva El Presidente Dragon Isle Dakkar, Robin, Harimau, Leonhart, Pino 1/27/2022 - 2/24/2022
A New Year for Yamato Honor Yamato Rasho, Sasuke Sarutobi, Kagura, Kongoh 1/01/2022 - 1/31/2022
A New Year for Yamato Virtue Yamato Jinnosuke, Hanzo, Fu, Rai 1/01/2022 - 1/31/2022
Release Celebration 1 Amberdon Jalam, Yabsakha, Elaine, Seals, Zacharoff

12/25/2021 - 1/14/2022

Release Celebration 2 Pays Blanc Rook, Flet, Amorey, Sol, Billford 12/25/2021 - 1/14/2022