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Expedition Leader
5 Stars ☆☆☆☆☆



Illustrator GAMUBEAR
Release Date 12/9/2022
Availability Standard Scouting

Alternate Variants

Alternate Variants
Character Stats
1 1481 287 235 20 3 80 18 1.75
50 1890 352 306 20 3 80 18 1.75
Silver Rank Up
Character Stats
1 1890 352 306 20 3 80 18 1.75
70 2343 437 355 20 3 80 18 1.75
Silver Rank Up
Silver Rank Up
Bronze Max Level Up
Silver Rank Up
TRAIT Inflicts Magic Damage on the enemy. Able to launch long-distance hits at 80% ATK.
Blocks up to 3 enemies.
NATURE Conquer the Far North!
40% chance of evading enemy long-range attack. Own HP recovers by 15% of its MAX value upon evading an enemy long-range attack.
INTIMACY BONUS ❤ 30% ❤ 50% ❤ 100%
Magic Resist +5 Defense +7 Attack +13

Skill[edit | edit source]

A Beacon in Frozen Lands
Level Effect Init. SP SP Cost
Level 1 ATK +30% for 30 seconds. 12% chance of all ally unit(s) within 1 tile, excluding this unit, evading enemy Physical Attacks and Magic Attacks. 20 50
Level 2 ATK +35% for 30 seconds. 14% chance of all ally unit(s) within 1 tile, excluding this unit, evading enemy Physical Attacks and Magic Attacks. 20 50
Level 3 ATK +40% for 30 seconds. 16% chance of all ally unit(s) within 1 tile, excluding this unit, evading enemy Physical Attacks and Magic Attacks. 20 48
Level 4 ATK +45% for 30 seconds. 18% chance of all ally unit(s) within 1 tile, excluding this unit, evading enemy Physical Attacks and Magic Attacks. 20 48
Level 5 ATK +50% for 30 seconds. 20% chance of all ally unit(s) within 1 tile, excluding this unit, evading enemy Physical Attacks and Magic Attacks. 20 48
Level 6 ATK +55% for 30 seconds. 22% chance of all ally unit(s) within 1 tile, excluding this unit, evading enemy Physical Attacks and Magic Attacks. 20 48
Level 7 ATK +60% for 30 seconds. 25% chance of all ally unit(s) within 1 tile, excluding this unit, evading enemy Physical Attacks and Magic Attacks. 20 45

Damage Type: [[:Category:Skill-{{{damage-type}}}|{{{damage-type}}}]]

Attack Reach: [[:Category:Skill-{{{attack-reach}}}|{{{attack-reach}}}]]
Skill Upgrades
Level Skill Upgrade
Skill Manual I: 4
Skill Manual I: 4

Rusted Sheet Metal: 5
Skill Manual II: 6

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Sheet Metal: 2
Skill Manual II: 6

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Sheet Metal: 4
Skill Manual III: 6

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Polish: 3
Skill Manual III: 6

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Thick Sheet Metal: 3

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Polish: 2

Interaction and Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Trackless Grappling Hook
[Expedition Leader] Sigvaldi

Crystalline Good [template edit]

Event Dialogue
Win Don't get too excited.
Well, I guess I wouldn't mind if you're not too much......
Lose There is always a next time so long as you're alive.
Getting through a lair requires that you persevere.
Rank Up I have the resolve to face countless swords.
I've gotten this far without giving in just so I can protect you.
Interaction #1 I just brewed some tea. Get over next to me
and I'll put lots of honey in yours.
Interaction #2 ...I've been praying my teammates make it through okay.
I'm not very good at giving up hope.
Interaction #3 I'm working on my tools. The success of an expedition
is determined by how prepared you are for it.
Interaction #4 You're going on a quest by yourself?
Take me with you, I'll not need any payment.
Interaction #5 ...Don't you ever get a little bored, even when you're
with me?
Wanna read a picture book or something?
Interaction #6 none
Gift Box #1 Are you really sure? You want to give this to me?
Are you sure you're not mistaken?
Gift Box #2 Oh, I think I'll hang on to the wrapping paper, too.
It'll be my lucky charm.
Gift Box #3 Oh, I know this smell...!
I knew it had to be honey! Thank you kindly.
Gift Box #4 Hey, at least pretend to be as happy as I am!
Looks like someone's gonna get a big bear hug!
Gift Box #5 H-huh? What on earth is this?
So, I guess I just put it on?
Gift Box #6 none
For full crystalline good and interaction lines, refer to [[{{{Original}}}#Interactions_and_Crystalline_Good |]].
Event Dialogue
Win {{{Win}}}
Lose {{{Lose}}}
Rank Up {{{Rank Up}}}
Interaction #1 Do you remember what day it is today?
Come here, I've got something to give you.
Interaction #2 Hmm, let's see here...
You want something sweet to eat?
Interaction #3 I think I'll treat myself to some honeycomb hot
Interaction #4 You must be tired from all that adventuring.
Have a sip of hot cocoa and have a good rest.
Interaction #5 You smell very sweet today...
Ah, uh, sorry. That just slipped out...
Interaction #6 none
Gift Box #1 Oh, how kind of you.
I'll get you something back, too.
Gift Box #2 I love me some good candy now and then.
Hey, don't laugh at me.
Gift Box #3 What a coincidence, I was going to give you
this, too. I can't believe that you beat me to it...
Gift Box #4 These chocolates have honey in them?
Be careful about getting me addicted; I don't
do moderation.
Gift Box #5 What did you put in these?
...My body feels... hot. You may have been
joking around, but...
Gift Box #6 none
For full crystalline good and interaction lines, refer to [[{{{Original}}}#Interactions_and_Crystalline_Good |]].
Event Dialogue
Win {{{Win}}}
Lose {{{Lose}}}
Rank Up {{{Rank Up}}}
Interaction #1 Wh-what do you think?
Does it suit me......?
Interaction #2 Swimming makes your whole body toned.
I'll take the plunge this time... Hm? You want me to stop?
Interaction #3 It's so hot out there... I'm dying for a drink.
Would you like to join me?
Interaction #4 Remember to stay hydrated!
Also, get some more sodium in your diet.
Interaction #5 As someone who grew up in a place full of snow... Phew! This heat is un-bear-able!
Interaction #6 none
Gift Box #1 Oh, what a striking shell!
Thank you for giving me this.
Gift Box #2 Nglk... glk... Phew, that hit the spot......
Ack, there's bubbles in my beard!
Gift Box #3 Oh, you made some shaved ice just for me?
And it's honey-flavored, to boot! Thank you.
Gift Box #4 Wh-what's with this swimwear?!
N-no, I'm happy to have it, but......
Gift Box #5 ......Geez, you're really something.
Come to my room later on, okay?
Gift Box #6 none
For full crystalline good and interaction lines, refer to [[{{{Original}}}#Interactions_and_Crystalline_Good |]].

In other languages[edit | edit source]

Japanese Traditional Chinese
Sigvaldi シグヴァルディ Shiguvarudi 西格巴爾迪 Xīgébā'ěrdí
Conquer the Far North! 極北を征け Kyokuhokuoseike 征服北極 Zhēngfúběijí
A Beacon in Frozen Lands 凍土の導き手 Tōdonomichibikite 凍土引路人 Dòngtǔyǐnlùrén
Expedition Leader 探索隊のリーダー Tansaku-tainorīdā 探索隊的隊長 Tànsuǒduìdeduìzhǎng
Trackless Grappling Hook 道なき道行く爪鉤縄 Michinakimichiikutsumekaginawa 闢路繩勾爪 Pìlùshénggōuzhuǎ

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • An expedition leader sent to explore a new lair that opened up in Azureterra and retrieve its 'unique' vibrating relics.
  • Immediately and forcefully establishes himself as a bottom.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Has respectably high DPS and low Cost for a Guard unit. Due to the fact that the last unit placed in a stage is what has aggro, his Nature works best by placing him last, rather than placing him first, so plan carefully with him on stages with lots of ranged enemies. On stages with a minimal amount of ranged enemies (which is most stages), there's little need to worry about this.
  • His Skill works best when placed behind allies in a circle rather than in front, due to the fact that the Evasion part does not affect himself. But like his Nature, there's little need to obsess over it.
  • Paired up with Gordov, the two using their skills together can mitigate a lot of party-wide damage.