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Enemies are opposing units that spawn in a battle map and must be defeated in order to clear battle objectives. They usually spawn in a red colored base tile, and indicate their pathing through out the map prior to spawning.

An archival version of this page is available if you're interested in the nature of Enemy Data when the game still utilizes bought store assets. See Enemy Data (old).

This page is a WIP!

Map Traversal

Most enemies will only go through low ground tiles, and can be blocked. Flying enemies are able to bypass this and only specific units can block them. Certain enemies also have the property of being unblockable.


Most enemies will have melee range attacks, and only deal damage when they are blocked by a unit. Some are able to target further, being Long-Ranged, and can start attacking while advancing. These prioritize attacking the most recently deployed unit within their range. Once blocked, they will only target the unit blocking them.


Most enemies will simply have single target damage. Some may have access to inflicting splash AoE damage usually affecting a tile or two around the target unit. Some enemies are also able to deal single target damage to multiple targets, usually up to 2-3.


Certain enemies are able to inflict debuffs and status ailments. This can be the form of damage over time ailments like Poison or Burn. Hindering ailments like Mesmerize/Charm or Stun. And can inflict debuffs that lower stats.

Enemy Mobs

Enemies under this category are typical spawning enemies, and are affected by most if not all of the gimmicks, ailments, and debuffs playable units are able to inflict.

Boss Characters

Boss characters are strong enemies that have higher hp pools and stats than typical enemies. They are appear on the map with a red aura around where they stand. Not all character gimmicks work against them, while some work specifically just for them.

They are also typically named characters you can recruit in game.The first boss encounter in the game is Amorey, though his stage being the first tutorial stage makes him not much of threat.