Patchnote 240628

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Patch notes for Version 3.0.3

Announcements[edit | edit source]

  • Amazon Pay has been implemented as a new payment method, available only for Japanese accounts. More alternatives will be introduced in the future.

Story Updates[edit | edit source]

Character Updates[edit | edit source]

New alternate characters have been implemented:

[edit | edit source]

The following banner are no longer avaiable as of June 28, 2024:

  • PU73 "Full Steam Ahead in the Crowded Metro! Norms Break Down in the SUPER “Open” Train Cars!"

New limited banner is up until August 9, 2024:

  • PU87 "Celebrating 2.5 Years! A Fantasy Celebration Brought to You!"

Stills Updates[edit | edit source]

  • Domay Still #1

Known Bugs[edit | edit source]

  • Pc Version game window doesn't reliably close outside of ALT+F4
  • Pc Version audio doesn't fully mute even set to 0.