Chapter 6 Quests

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These are Main Storyline quests for Chapter 6.

General Quest Rewards
Reward Pool Reward
Standard Common chance to get Battle Records and possibly other items.
Standard (Draco) x500 Draco
Rare Rare chance to get Battle Records, Draco, Skill Manuals and possibly other items.
Recruitment Flyer 90% chance to get one Recruitment Flyer of any tier
Chapter Exclusive Rewards
Clear Type Reward
Story Quest Clear
  • x1 Dragon Vein Stone
  • x1 Battle Record I
  • x1000 Draco


  • The Gold of Greed
First Quest Clear
  • x1 Dragon Vein Stone
  • x1 Battle Record I
  • x1000 Draco
First 3-Star Quest Clear
  • x1 Battle Record II
  • x1000 Draco
  • x1 Staminade
  • x1 Skill Manual II
First 4-Star Quest Clear x1 Dragon Vein Stone

Trading Vessel[edit | edit source]


Quest Code Type Name Description Map Preview 4 Star Challenge
6-1 Temptation of the Land of Gold
6-2 Temptation of the Land of Gold II Make it big in the global village! Huge amounts of capital from across the sea is turning the world in an uproar! Enemy ATK Increased
6-3 Temptation of the Land of Gold III A powerful enemy has appeared! You need more number of blocks to prevent their advance! Ally Unit Block Count Decreased
6-4 ★Red Light Merchant's Acquisition Strategy
6-5 Red Light Merchant's Acquisition Strategy II Take control of people, items and money! Aggresive Sepian sales are going on around the world! Held COST Recovery Speed Decreased

The Slums of Sepia[edit | edit source]


Quest Code Type Name Description Map Preview 4 Star Challenge
6-6 A Vocational Paradise
6-7 A Vocational Paradise II Admire the grinding gears and bellowing steam! Hop aboard Sepia's state-of-the-art metro subway system and make your way down to the depths of their underground lair! Enemy HP Increased
6-8 A Vocational Paradise III The stations are jam-packed during Sepia's insane commuter rush! Be sure not to be late to your desired train before it takes off! Enemy Speed Increased
6-9 ★The Forgotten Boss
6-10 The Forgotten Boss II Full speed on the Super Express of Dreams! Straight ahead: the infamous yet massive Corporation Trust Cartel?! Healers Not Deployable
6-12 I MUST BUY UP EVERYTHING! II The Chairman's authority is absolute! No one can defy the dazzling power of golden bling! Deploy Count Decreased
6-13 I MUST BUY UP EVERYTHING! III Buy out the whole world! But wait, are we about to find out the big ambition that puny goblin has in store?! SP Recovery Speed Decreased
6-14 It's Me, I Say!
6-15 It's Me, I Say! II Hailing from the great land of Sepia, our latest visitor is none other than a Sales Chief with a heart of steel?! Enemy HP Increased
6-16 Dome of Smoke

Metro Terminal[edit | edit source]


Quest Code Type Name Description Map Preview 4 Star Challenge
6-17 Junction with Darkness
6-18 Junction with Darkness II The Sepian Metro runs normally like any other day! Not a second is wasted on its timetables! It's practically a work of art! Enemy ATK Increased
6-19 Junction with Darkness III The adults in the car make full use of their GAP time?! Experience the alluring adventure with your fellow passengers on this one-of-a-kind metro line! Number of Enemies Increased

Metro Espoir[edit | edit source]


Quest Code Type Name Description Map Preview 4 Star Challenge
6-21 SUPER OPEN RIDE II Square off face to face with the real masterminds who reign supreme in the shadows of the metro system! Whether it be your cost being hijacked to time calming to a halt, both are formidable enemies!
[BOSS] Fullhouse & Allert
Held COST Recovery Speed Decreased
6-22 Unprovoked Time Travel
6-23 Unprovoked Time Travel II A new threat stirs in the deepest depths of this mechanical lair which penetrates deep into the stratums of Sepia! Enemy HP Increased

Office Entrance[edit | edit source]

ビル エントランス/大廈入口

Quest Code Type Name Description Map Preview 4 Star Challenge
6-24 Towards a Glitzy Era
6-25 Towards a Glitzy Era II The former Guild Chairman has become blinded by the lust for money! Deal a crushing blow to his corrupted heart by reigning victorious in this underground duel! Undeployable Tiles Increased
Thomas' HP, ATK & DEF Increased
6-26 Rather than a False Gospel
6-27 Rather than a False Gospel II The greatest masterpiece of any Shadow King! The newborn cries of the ominous Dragon of Creation cause all of El Dorado to shudder!
[BOSS] Mammon & Eternion
Ally Unit Deploy COST Upped
6-28 The Final Patch
6-29 Forever & Ever......
6-30 Forever & Ever...... II Bizarre synthetic warriors robbed of their consciousness fire at and weaken ally units, eroding the front line you've built up! Ally Unit DEF Decreased

Office - Factory[edit | edit source]

ビル 工場/大廈工廠

Quest Code Type Name Description Map Preview 4 Star Challenge
6-31 ★Operation "Conformity"
6-32 Operation "Conformity" II An alarm is blaring inside the underground factory! Stop the multiplying bionic golems from rampaging! Guards & Casters Not Deployable
6-33 Operation "Conformity" III What is really going on deep in the depths of Sepia is being exposed! The culprit behind all of this is the Shadow King trying to make his escape! After him! Enemy HP Increased
6-34 No Matter What
6-35 No Matter What II The countdown to the end of the gold era of chaos is ticking away! This newly created behemoth has lost control of its insane power and is going on a rampage! Enemy ATK Increased

Office - The Presidential Suite[edit | edit source]

ビル 社長室/大廈社長室

Quest Code Type Name Description Map Preview 4 Star Challenge
6-36 A Small World
6-37 Showdown with Eternion, Dragon of Creation
6-38 Showdown with Eternion, Dragon of Creation II Only units with the most formidable strength can block Eternion when it's in its Rampage Mode, but only units whose block count is 3 or more can block him! Coalesce your earnest desires together so that you may save the world from the brink of destruction!
[BOSS] Eternion
Deploy Count Decreased
6-39 Showdown with Eternion, Dragon of Creation III Eternion's nano-machine hearth is on the verge of a meltdown! Escape from the factory on high alert before it's too late! SP Recovery Speed Decreased
6-40 Showdown with Eternion, Dragon of Creation IV A beam of light shoots out from the crumbling ceiling! An exit route to the surface is now in sight! Ally Unit ATK Decreased
6-41 Observing Infinite Energy
6-42 Scientific Magic
6-43 ★About "Eternity"
[edit] Main Storyline