Day And Night In Pays Blanc

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Revision as of 08:14, 25 December 2022 by Jeebs (talk | contribs)
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Duration: 3/31/2022 - 5/27/2022

This is a time limited event, players should plan to gather all necessary clues to clear the exchange and spend them within the allotted time period. The amount of plays and stamina needed is a lot smaller compared to the previous event. It will take the player around 23 days to clear the event shop without using stamina restoration items or allowing the stamina bar to fill completely. The best quest to farm here is PN-3 or PN-18.

  • PN-3 gives the best clue / stamina ratio and has the potential to provide more flyers by the time the player has acquired enough clues.
  • PN-16 or PN-18 require the least amount of skip tickets to clear the event exchange, but provides less opportunities to acquire recruitment flyers.
Quest Efficiency (7100 Clues Required to Clear the Exchange)
Quest Addtional Reward Stam Cost Clues Clues / Stam Plays to clear Shop Stamina to clear Shop Days to clear Shop Addtional Reward / Stamina Total Addtional Rewards
PN - 3 1000 Draco 10 13 1.30 547 5470 22.8 100 Draco 547000 Draco
PN - 4 600 Exp 16 20 1.25 355 5680 23.7 37.5 Exp 213000 Exp
PN - 6 1200 Draco 14 18 1.29 395 5530 23.0 85.7 Draco 474000 Draco
PN - 8 Gift Box(es) 18 23 1.28 309 5562 23.2 Insignificant Insignificant
PN - 12 1500 Draco 20 25 1.25 284 5680 23.7 75 Draco 426000 Draco
PN - 14 Skill Manual(s) 24 30 1.25 237 5688 23.7 Insginifcant Insignificant
PN - 16 1800 Draco 24 30 1.25 237 5688 23.7 75 Draco 426600 Draco
PN - 18 1200 Exp 24 30 1.25 237 5688 23.7 50 Exp 284400 Exp
Event Exchange
Item Name Quanity Unit Cost Total Cost Item Name Quanity Unit Cost Total Cost Item Name Quanity Unit Cost Total Cost
Edgar's Freebie Ticket 10 150 1500 Gale Feather 10 10 100 Lyre 25 4 100
8000 Draco 50 10 500 Sharp Blade 10 10 100 Claws 25 4 100
Battle Record IV 50 5 250 Thick Sheet Metal 10 10 100 Faded Feather 50 2 100
Green Flyer 40 10 400 Magical Branch 10 10 100 Rusted Blade 50 2 100
Purple Gift 20 5 100 Hit-to-Kill Quiver 10 10 100 Rusted Sheet Metal 50 2 100
Staminade 5 10 50 Healing Bottle 10 10 100 Snapped Branch 50 2 100
Extra Rich Staminade 20 20 400 Expert Lyre 10 10 100 Ancient Quiver 50 2 100
Skip Ticket 60 10 600 Claws of the Depraved 10 10 100 Cracked M. Bottle 50 2 100
Billford's Secret 1 100 100 Feather 25 4 100 Broken Lyre 50 2 100
Rook's Secret 1 100 100 Blade 25 4 100 Weathered Claws 50 2 100
Adhesive 10 10 100 Sheet Metal 25 4 100 Skill Manual III 50 2 100
Gelatinous Lubricant 10 10 100 Branch 25 4 100 Skill Manual II 25 4 100
Polish 10 10 100 Quiver 25 4 100 Skill Manual I 10 10 100
Aromatic Oil 10 10 100 Medicine Bottle 25 4 100 Total Clues Required = 7100
Map Previews
PN - 3 PN - 4 PN - 6 PN - 8
PN - 12 PN - 14 PN - 16 PN - 18
[edit] Events