User Interface

From AnotherEidos Wiki
Revision as of 03:46, 3 December 2022 by Giraffe (talk | contribs) (WIP, still a lot of outdated information to replace. Someone else can continue editing if they're up for it.)
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The Home Screen

The Anothereidos home screen can be categorized in Three Sections:


Everything that revolves around your main resources like Draco, Stamina and Dragon Vein Stones as well as your Name and Level are visible on the top side of the. You can use the plus icon next to your stamina meter to quickly access the stamina replenishment menu and you can use the plus sign next to your stone count to quickly access the shop.

All quests including story, exploration and event are accessed by clicking the header(s) in the upper right.


rea where your stamina is shown.

The Bottom Side - Probably everything that should interest the player: Party for party formations, Scout for summoning, Strengthening for character strengthening, Shop for shopping, Warehouse for your item inventory, and of course the main functi

At the bottom left corner, you'll see announcements regarding banners, updates etc.

The Left Side

uncements regarding banners, updates etc.

The Left Side - Staple but lesser important features like InGame Mails, Your Profile and Friends, The Settings and a News function are available here. You can also Change the character you want to appear in your Profile as well as in your Homescreen. And as of, You can change the position and zoom of your partner character.

The Quest Selection

The Quest Selection, as of now, is relatively easy to understand and available after you're done with the tutorial. On the Lower part of the screen you can either select The Story as well as the Exploration Quests. You can leave the screen by simple pressing the back or home button on the top corner.

Selecting the Story will lead you to the map you likely have seen when first starting the game. Each Chapter in the Stor

The Quest Selection

To start a quest, select the header in the topmost right section of the home menu. From there, you can select The Story, Exploration, or Events. Any exploration and event quest can be started at anytime. Story quests must be completed in chronological order.

Your Team and You!

Probably one of the most important functions in the game: The Teambuilding and Development Aspect. You can save up to 4 Parties - perhaps for different strategies, showing off your favorites or just for try out something - and give each party a name, if you want to of course. Each party will have the Main Character in it - but don't worry - press simply on Form Party and you'll quickly create a new party in no time!

By simply pressing on one of your party members - or using the strengthening option on the Homescreen - You will be lead to all your characters you have collected. Selecting one of them will give you a quick Overview on their stats, their range, their skills and the maximum level they can reach.

Pressing the To Strengthen Screen will lead you to the Characters in depth Page. Depicted, besides the mentioned informations from the overview, are the rarity, the trait, the nature and even the characters Illustrator as well.

In Theory we should be able to Level Up or Characters with Gold and EXP, Improve Skills, Rank Up and Limit Break the Character from the Strengthen Screen but as of now only Leveling up is available.


Probably the highlight of the game, Interaction allows the player - as the name suggest - interact with their characters by gifting presents, receiving stat bonuses and...

...unlocking a variant of Scenarios by reaching an Intimacy of 100%!

Be careful though, these scenarios are NSFW and should be treated as such!

Profile and Friends

As mentioned above, on the left side of the homescreen, below the mail symbol, you'll enter your profile! It displays Player information like Your Friend Code, The amount of Characters you have collected, Your Story Progression, Your Assistent that is displayed on the homescreen and your Support Character you can lend your friends with in the future someday.

If you want to follow your friends, simply enter their code under Friend Search, your friends should be then able to follow you back - as long as they don't hit the friends limit!