User Interface

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Revision as of 20:34, 4 January 2022 by Maku (talk | contribs)
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Because Someone had to dissect this horror of an UI

While most gachas tend to overwhelm new players with complicated and crowded menus, Eidos could be considered the more minimalistic designed game in that regard - for the better or worse.

The Homescreen

Eidos Homescreen can be categorized in Three Sections:

An example of the homescreen

The Top Side - Everything that revolves around your main resources like Stamina, Gold and Summoning Stones as well as your Name and Level are visible on the top side of the homescreen Besides that there is also the Quest Scenario below the Area where your stamina is shown.

The Bottom Side - Probably everything that should interest the player: Your Party,The Scout for summoning, The Strengthening Option, The Shop, The Warehouse and, of course the main function of the game, the Interaction with your Characters. Besides that you'll see announcements regarding banners, updates etc. in the left bottom corner.

The Left Side - Staple but lesser important features like InGame Mails, Your Profile and Friends, The Settings and a nonfunctional news function are available here. You can also Change the character you want to appear in your Profile as well as in your Homescreen.

The Quest Selection

Right from the Start you can either do Story Quests or Explorations!

The Quest Selection, as of now, is relatively easy to understand and available after you're done with the tutorial. On the Lower part of the screen you can either select The Story as well as the Exploration Quests. You can leave the sceeen by simple pressing the back or home button on the top corner.

You'll progress by clearing the maps or Story Chapters

Selecting the Story will lead you to the map you likely have seen when first starting the game. Each Chapter in the Story will likely have a seperate map with owns area related to the story. Selecting one of the Areas will summon a window with all Maps or Story Episodes - also known as Quests - available for the area. By clearing the maps you'll unlock more of the story and the farth3r you continue the story the more maps you'll unlock!

The Exploration maps are devided in dificulties starting with easiest left to hardest right.

One Important Aspect are Ressources you will have to gather and manage to develop your Units. Doing Exploration Quests will immensely help you so. May it be Exp, Gold, Skill Books or just Gifts to unlock the CGs - You definetely find it here!

Your Team and You!

Make sure to fill your party with the characters you like to use!

Probably one of the most important functions in the game: The Teambuilding and Development Aspect. You can save up to 4 Parties - perhaps for different strategies, showing off your favourites or just for try out something - and give each party a name, if you want to of course. Each party will have the Main Character in it - but don't worry - press simply on Form Party and you'll quickly create a new party in no time!


Profile and Friends

The Shop

The Warehouse

Your Assistent

