Known Bugs

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Revision as of 06:11, 1 April 2022 by Rakushun (talk | contribs)
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This is a list of currently known bugs throughout the game.


Main Menu

  • Known Bug Resetting cache still requires you to restart your game.


  • SE Volume does not affect battle sound effects.


  • Shop bgm stays playing even if you exit it.

Battle Bugs

  • Attacks queue up when a unit is not busy. Allowing for two attacks at the same time or a randomly higher rate of attack. The amount this happens is based on animation speed and attack speed. This bug favors mob units for their short animations and faster attacks.
  • RES reduces magic damage by 1 point per point of RES, instead of 1% per point of RES. As there was previously a patch that greatly reduced the magic damage enemies do, this is likely because they could not get the Magic Res stat work, so they vastly reduced the magic damage enemies do overall instead.

Character Bugs

  • Intimacy bonuses do not work for anyone


  • Theodor gets bonus attack speed even with max hp.
  • Gaia's Trait doesn't seem to work?
  • Thomas can heal even though his trait makes it so he can't attack. This makes him heal ultra fast.


  • Natures that buff attack don't affect healing power. This could mean Attack and healing power might be different stats, with healing power as a stat being invisible.
  • Elaine's nature is using her hp instead of atk to heal making it much stronger than it should be.
  • Siddeley can never die.
  • Bantu's nature doesn't work.
  • Pays Blanc soldier's nature doesn't work and lowers DEF
  • Goblin Rider's nature doesn't work.
  • Large mummy's nature doesn't work
  • Mummy's nature doesn't work
  • Pirate Swordsman nature doesn't work.
  • Obsidonian Calvary's nature doesn't work
  • Dyne's nature doesn't work.
  • Bart's nature doesn't stun.
  • The wavering ATK part of Sasuke's skill doesn't seem to work, as he appears to always do consistent damage.
  • Volund's nature now buffs himself and all deployed units.
  • Equus's Nature does not heal him


  • Unlike Natures, Skills that buff attack DO affect healing power, but almost always not by the correct amount. Most units heal a little more than they should while buffed.
  • Volund's Skill doesn't actually buff Magic Resist. In addition, its duration is 10 seconds longer than it's supposed to be.
  • Obsidonian's archer skill does nothing.
  • Ornis' skill works but doesn't update his attack stat when clicked.
  • Robin's skill giving units more healing power than their Attack stat says they should
  • Elaine's Skill causes her to heal more than her Attack stat says it should
  • Obsidonian Imperial Halberdier's skill doesn't work.
  • Yurt is still just broken. Both his Nature and Skill don't seem to slow anything.
  • Arcana's skill doesn't update his attack, but it might still work.
  • Patty's skill does heal, but does not increase his Defense.
  • Pirate's medic's nature doesn't update attack.
  • Amorey's Skill doesn't work.
  • Thomas's Skill doesn't work.
  • Romanes's Skill doesn't appear to work, though it's a little difficult to test and make sure.
  • Gymnos and Brut's are not able to heal themselves, and would waste their skill charge if they can only target themselves.
  • Sarutobi's yellow trap detonates right away.
  • Alec's Skill does not scale with Attack buffs.
  • Volund's skill only affects him now.
  • Rook's skill doesn't apply the buff so it just gives cost now.