Tips and Tricks

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Revision as of 09:13, 25 March 2022 by Rakushun (talk | contribs)
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The only way to win this game is to not play.


The stat gains from raising Proficiency start experiencing diminishing returns very quickly. At the moment, it's not a wise use of Draco to enhance any of your units past +10 at the absolute most, with +7 or +8 being a fair stopping point. The stat gains at around +7 quickly drop and become very minimal. Since it's not easy to farm large amounts of Draco, enhancing units to high + amounts is difficult to recover from, with minimal gain.

Attack Priority

If there are multiple attackable allies within an enemies range, the enemy will always prioritize the ally that was deployed LAST. Because of this, you should never deploy your most easily killable allies last in stages with a lot of ranged enemies. Put down your squishiest units first, and then defend them by deploying your tank units afterwards to draw fire.

You can also use this tactic to deploy a unit near an ally that's about to die so that enemies will turn their attention towards your fresh unit and away from your dying unit. Keep in mind that, of course, your unit must be within the enemy attack range for this to work. Enemies will neither change their pathing nor attack out of their possible range just to attack the most recently deployed ally.

Recommended Units

There is no community tier list at the moment, but there are certain units that are agreed to be very strong.


  • Leonhart: One of the highest DPS units in the game, and given for free. Because he kills so quickly, he's a better tank than most Guards.
  • Theodor: Currently he's bugged to continually increase his attack speed even if he's at full health. He heals as he hits, and is extremely efficient, and like Leon is able to solo certain difficult lanes all on his own.
  • Jinnosuke: Has very high damage when his Skill is enabled. Possibly bugged to always Crit while it's on?
  • Goblin Fighter: Deceptively high damage for reasons unknown. While he is fragile, he can defeat most things before they defeat him. He's given for free and is a surprisingly good back-up if your team is missing damage.
  • Siddeley: Currently bugged to be unkillable.
  • Alec: Only above-average stats, but his Skill has a low SP cost, and a wide range and damage. Extremely useful for helping to clear out hordes of weaker enemies.


  • Volund: While he has poor DPS, his Skill is party-wide, and lasts so long that by the time it wears off, it's nearly ready to be used again. His Skill is supposed to last 30 seconds, but actually lasts 40 seconds.
  • Patty: His self-heal Skill is very powerful. While not being able to be healed by others can seem like a large downside, this ability helps not distract Healers from healing other allies while Patty heals himself, so they do not waste heals. Patty can also be healed by indirect forms of healing such as with Thomas and Elaine. Currently his Skill is bugged to not provide Defense, but once it does, he should become even more useful.


  • Rook: Low cost, above-average DPS, efficient Cost gain skill. His Skill makes him invincible while active, making him a better block than most Guards if timed correctly. His Nature can potentially be detrimental, but overall it increases his survivability.
  • Ragnar: His ability to automatically heal himself and all Vanguards makes him surprisingly sustainable. Has extremely fast attack speed, and good damage. His Skill isn't as good as Rooks, but it can still be used to save himself.


  • Wrecker: At the moment, he's bugged to give all unit a 10% Attack buff passively. This boost correctly works (except it doesn't affect healers) and is very helpful to have.
  • Harimau: Very fast attack speed, good damage, and an AoE heal Skill. The heal is not very substantial, but it helps.


  • Baran: Generally useful all-around. Flexible range, a Skill that's easy to use and never turns off, good DPS, and is easily obtained from Flyers.


  • Robin: One of the fastest healers. Has a fairly useful Skill despite only being a 3 star. He does have the lowest Attack among Healers, but outside of certain 4 star stages, his Attack is still high enough to fully mitigate most enemy attacks. His Skill also helps offset his low Attack. Can be gotten for free.
  • Morgan: Has very low range, making him hard to place efficiently, but he is the most efficient Healer for keeping a small row of units alive. Morgan has the fastest Attack Speed among the Healer class and the highest Attack.
  • Elaine: Heals everyone just by being on the field. Bugged to globally heal by her HP instead of her ATK as stated. Falls off a bit in +Damage 4 star Challenges, but useful for everything else.
  • Kagura: The only Healer that can be put on the ground. Has very high defense. Only has 1 Block, but he can Block nearly anything forever as long as he doesn't have to split his healing.


  • Thomas: At the moment, he's bugged to be able to heal with his attack even though he isn't supposed to be able to attack at all in the first place. This makes him the fastest healer in the game, despite not being the Healer class. Has high range as well.
  • Hanzo: Powerful DPS for a Supporter. One of the few units with range that can be put on the ground. His Skill helps add even more DPS and helps him become a good blocker. Bansho can also be put in a lane to help delay enemies further.
  • Sasuke Sarutobi: A slightly worse Hanzo, but still good. Another high DPS with range that can be put on the ground. Has slightly higher DPS than Hanzo naturally, but Skill isn't quite as useful due to low damage output and randomization. Unlike Hanzo, he can hit aerial units.