Orta & Pollon (Summer)

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Pair of Sea Dogs
Orta & Pollon
6 Stars ☆☆☆☆☆☆



Illustrator st4rsbucks
Release Date 10/4/2024
Availability Limited Scouting

Alternate Variants

Alternate Variants

【Seadog with Hungry Tummy】 Orta[edit | edit source]

Character Stats
1 1209 368 139 0 1 70 16 1.6
80 1551 473 180 0 1 70 16 1.6
Silver Rank Up
TRAIT Inflicts Physical Damage on the enemy.
NATURE A Night of Twatty Revelry!
All summoned units on the battlefield, ATK +12% and DEF +20%. When 【Seadog for the Win】 Pollon's skill is active, own attack range expands drastically.
INTIMACY BONUS ❤ 30% ❤ 50% ❤ 100%
Magic Resist +5 Defense +7 Defense +13

Skill[edit | edit source]

Where's Me Hunchman?
Level Effect Init. SP SP Cost
Level 1 Summon 【Seadog for the Win】Pollon to the battlefield. 0 45
Level 2 Summon 【Seadog for the Win】Pollon to the battlefield. 0 43
Level 3 Summon 【Seadog for the Win】Pollon to the battlefield. 0 41
Level 4 Summon 【Seadog for the Win】Pollon to the battlefield. 0 39
Level 5 Summon 【Seadog for the Win】Pollon to the battlefield. 0 36
Level 6 Summon 【Seadog for the Win】Pollon to the battlefield. 0 33
Level 7 Summon 【Seadog for the Win】Pollon to the battlefield. 0 30

Damage Type: [[:Category:Skill-{{{damage-type}}}|{{{damage-type}}}]]

Attack Reach: [[:Category:Skill-{{{attack-reach}}}|{{{attack-reach}}}]]
Skill Upgrades
Level Skill Upgrade
Skill Manual I: 5
Skill Manual I: 5

Broken Lyre: 10
Skill Manual II: 8

Lyre: 4
Skill Manual II: 8

Lyre: 8
Skill Manual III: 8

Aromatic Oil: 4
Skill Manual III: 8

Expert Lyre: 6

Aromatic Oil: 3

Summon 【Seadog for the Win】 Pollon[edit | edit source]

Character Stats
1 1560 345 175 0 1 none none 1.25
80 1997 450 239 0 1 none none 1.25
Silver Rank Up
TRAIT Inflicts Physical Damage on the enemy.
NATURE Split Finks Down the Middle!
Whenever 【Seadog with Hungry Tummy】 Orta attacks an enemy, own SP +1. Whenever 【Seadog with Hungry Tummy】 Orta takes down an enemy, own Attack Speed +4% (MAX of 10 times).

Skill[edit | edit source]

Greedy Salvager
Level Effect Init. SP SP Cost
Level 1 For 30 seconds, ATK +60%; 【Seadog with Hungry Tummy】Orta's attack range expands drastically. 10 45
Level 2 For 30 seconds, ATK +65%; 【Seadog with Hungry Tummy】Orta's attack range expands drastically. 10 45
Level 3 For 30 seconds, ATK +70%; 【Seadog with Hungry Tummy】Orta's attack range expands drastically. 10 43
Level 4 For 30 seconds, ATK +75%; 【Seadog with Hungry Tummy】Orta's attack range expands drastically. 10 43
Level 5 For 30 seconds, ATK +80%; 【Seadog with Hungry Tummy】Orta's attack range expands drastically. 10 43
Level 6 For 30 seconds, ATK +85%; 【Seadog with Hungry Tummy】Orta's attack range expands drastically. 10 43
Level 7 For 30 seconds, ATK +90%; 【Seadog with Hungry Tummy】Orta's attack range expands drastically. 10 40

Damage Type: [[:Category:Skill-{{{damage-type}}}|{{{damage-type}}}]]

Attack Reach: [[:Category:Skill-{{{attack-reach}}}|{{{attack-reach}}}]]
Skill Upgrades
{{ {{{upgrade}}} }}

Interactions and Crystalline Good[edit | edit source]

Binary Stars in the Deep Sea
[Pair of Sea Dogs] Orta & Pollon

Crystalline Good [template edit]

Event Dialogue
Win Those pains in our arses are outta the way! Off to lookin' for treasure again!
Lose Damn Pollon's been knocked out, he has! Guess I should just leave 'im 'ere and head home!
Rank Up none
Interaction #1
Interaction #2
Interaction #3
Interaction #4
Interaction #5
Interaction #6 none
Gift Box #1
Gift Box #2
Gift Box #3
Gift Box #4
Gift Box #5
Gift Box #6 none
For full crystalline good and interaction lines, refer to [[{{{Original}}}#Interactions_and_Crystalline_Good |]].
Event Dialogue
Win {{{Win}}}
Lose {{{Lose}}}
Rank Up {{{Rank Up}}}
Interaction #1 I got stung and bit in the arse by all them jellyfish, sea urchins, starfish, eels, and sharks! F***'in A!
Interaction #2 What'll we if we find us some treasure? Some nice grub?! Booze?! We could even make ourselves comfortable at the casino!
Interaction #3 Ain't nothin' beat chilled water! It's way too bloody hot outside without some!
Interaction #4 I guess we oughta pay back our loans if we found ourselves some treasure... nah, booze'd be way better!
Interaction #5 These fish are swimmin' around me like they like me or sumfink! I can barely see Pollon. I'm gettin' a kick outta this!
Interaction #6 Under the sea is a sick spot... Woulda ne'er imagined it back in Amberdon.
Gift Box #1 You can eat fish raw? Kinda scary, but hey, Orta! You take the first bite, eh?
Gift Box #2 This here looks like a spear! You use it to catch fish? That's awesome!
Gift Box #3 Yo, look at all these pearls I found! Here's one for payback earlier!
Gift Box #4 This shellfish's edible? I'll have Pollon take a bite outta it first!
Gift Box #5 You didn't do somfink crazy just to give me this, didja? Don't be leavin' my side 'cause finks're gettin' hairy!
Gift Box #6 Whoa, you found this coin for me? Thanks! Nah... I ain't gonna sell it! I'll look after it, eh?
For full crystalline good and interaction lines, refer to [[{{{Original}}}#Interactions_and_Crystalline_Good |]].

In other languages[edit | edit source]

Japanese Traditional Chinese Japanese Traditional Chinese
Orta オルタ Oruta 歐爾塔 Ōuěrtǎ Pollon ポロン Poron 波隆 Bōlóng
A Night of Twatty Revelry! 今夜もバカ騒ぎ Kon'yamobakasawagi 今晚也來個大騷動 Jīnwǎnyěláigèdàsāodòng Split Finks Down the Middle! はんぶんこしよう Hanbunkoshiyou 我們對半分吧 Wǒmenduìbànfēnba
Where's Me Hunchman? 子分はどこだ Kobunwadokoda 小弟在哪 Xiǎodìzàinǎ Greedy Salvager 欲張りサルベージ Yokubarisarubēji 貪婪打撈 Tānlándǎlāo
Seadog with Hungry Tummy はらぺこシードッグ Harapekoshīdoggu 肚子餓的海狗 Dùzièdìhǎigǒu Seadog for the Win いただきシードッグ Itadakishīdoggu 準備開動的海狗 Zhǔnbèikāidòngdìhǎigǒu
Pair of Sea Dogs ふたりのシードッグ Futarinoshīdoggu 海狗二人組 Hǎigǒuèrrénzǔ
Binary Stars in the Deep Sea 深海の連星 Shinkainorensei 深海的雙星 Shēnhǎideshuāngxīng

Trivia[edit | edit source]