Pollon & Orta

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The Desert's Bickering Duo
Pollon & Orta
5 Stars ☆☆☆☆☆



Illustrator st4rsbucks
Release Date 7/7/2023
Availability Standard Scouting

Alternate Variants

Alternate Variants
Character Stats
1 751 175 101 0 1 60 12 1.2
50 998 223 142 0 1 60 12 1.2
Silver Rank Up
Character Stats
1 998 223 142 0 1 60 12 1.2
70 1156 286 177 0 1 60 12 1.2
Silver Rank Up
Silver Rank Up
Bronze Max Level Up
Silver Rank Up
TRAIT COST +1 per enemy defeated. Reimburses deploy COST upon withdrawal.
NATURE The Bickering Desert Bros!
Whenever Orta is within 1 tile, own ATK and DEF+25%.
INTIMACY BONUS ❤ 30% ❤ 50% ❤ 100%
Magic Resistance +5 Defense +7 Attack +13


Yer Up, Mate!
Level Effect Init. SP SP Cost
Level 1 Summon Orta onto the battlefield.
(Up to three reinforcement units can be summoned at once.)
0 40
Level 2 Summon Orta onto the battlefield.
(Up to three reinforcement units can be summoned at once.)
1 40
Level 3 Summon Orta onto the battlefield.
(Up to three reinforcement units can be summoned at once.)
2 38
Level 4 Summon Orta onto the battlefield.
(Up to three reinforcement units can be summoned at once.)
4 38
Level 5 Summon Orta onto the battlefield.
(Up to three reinforcement units can be summoned at once.)
6 38
Level 6 Summon Orta onto the battlefield.
(Up to three reinforcement units can be summoned at once.)
8 38
Level 7 Summon Orta onto the battlefield.
(Up to three reinforcement units can be summoned at once.)
10 35

Damage Type: [[:Category:Skill-{{{damage-type}}}|{{{damage-type}}}]]

Attack Reach: [[:Category:Skill-{{{attack-reach}}}|{{{attack-reach}}}]]
Skill Upgrades
Level Skill Upgrades
Skill Manual I: 4
Skill Manual I: 4

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Faded Feather: 5
Skill Manual II: 6

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Feather: 2
Skill Manual II: 6

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Feather: 4
Skill Manual III: 6

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Adhesive: 3
Skill Manual III: 6

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Gale Feather: 3

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Adhesive: 2

Summon (Orta)

Character Stats
1 1002 255 112 0 1 {{{redeploy}}} {{{cost}}} 1.4
50 1431 321 142 0 1 {{{redeploy}}} {{{cost}}} 1.4
Silver Rank Up
Character Stats
1 1431 321 142 0 1 none none 1.4
70 1674 440 196 0 1 none none 1.4
Silver Rank Up
TRAIT Inflict physical damage on the enemy.
NATURE The Bickering Desert Bros!
Whenever Pollon is within 1 tile, own ATK and DEF+25%


Strike the Earth
Level Effect Init. SP SP Cost
Level 1 During the next attack, ATK increases to 120%, and simultaneously attacks up to 3 enemies within one tile surrounding oneself automatically. 0 10
Level 2 During the next attack, ATK increases to 125%, and simultaneously attacks up to 3 enemies within one tile surrounding oneself automatically. 0 10
Level 3 During the next attack, ATK increases to 130%, and simultaneously attacks up to 3 enemies within one tile surrounding oneself automatically. 0 10
Level 4 During the next attack, ATK increases to 135%, and simultaneously attacks up to 3 enemies within one tile surrounding oneself automatically. 0 10
Level 5 During the next attack, ATK increases to 140%, and simultaneously attacks up to 3 enemies within one tile surrounding oneself automatically. 0 10
Level 6 During the next attack, ATK increases to 145%, and simultaneously attacks up to 3 enemies within one tile surrounding oneself automatically. 0 10
Level 7 During the next attack, ATK increases to 150%, and simultaneously attacks up to 3 enemies within one tile surrounding oneself automatically. 0 10

Damage Type: [[:Category:Skill-{{{damage-type}}}|{{{damage-type}}}]]

Attack Reach: [[:Category:Skill-{{{attack-reach}}}|{{{attack-reach}}}]]
Skill Upgrades
{{ {{{upgrade}}} }}

Interactions and Crystalline Good

Twinned Lodestones
[The Desert's Bickering Duo] Pollon & Orta

Crystalline Good [template edit]

Event Dialogue
Win Another win for the dream team!
Now, let's go nab ourselves some wonga!
Lose Aw man, we got busted up!
Orta! This is 'cause of your fat gut!
Rank Up I'm workin' twice as 'ard as before...!
You're still a right moron, though, Orta......
Interaction #1 Ello 'ello! You came to see us, eh?
Interaction #2 Oioi! Just the face we wanted to see!
Lend us a couple o' Dracos, will ya?
Interaction #3 This one here's a right dodgy one, 'e is!
'E borrowed money just so 'e could have a few pints!
Interaction #4 Oi, you wanna go 'ave some nosh?
Pollon's said he's fine. 'E's gonna stay 'ere.
Interaction #5 Now, our business for tonight is......
Oi, Pollon. Stop muckin' about!
Interaction #6 You caught us right in the middle of a bust-up!
'E's nicked someone's stuff again!
Gift Box #1 You sure we can 'ave this?
Ain't this worth a pretty penny?
Gift Box #2 You hittin' on me? Fine by me!
Don't mind 'im, 'e's not me boyfriend or nuffink!
Gift Box #3 Whoa! Get a load of these swimshorts!
Perfect for a threesome! Let's go!
Gift Box #4 Oh, these'll be wasted on 'im. Me, though?
I'll treasure 'em every day.
Gift Box #5 No touchin', savvy? This is for me!
...They are for me, right?
Gift Box #6 Get a butcher's o' these, Pollon! Brand new pants!
......Wait, you want ME to wear 'em?!
For full crystalline good and interaction lines, refer to [[{{{Original}}}#Interactions_and_Crystalline_Good |]].
Event Dialogue
Win {{{Win}}}
Lose {{{Lose}}}
Rank Up {{{Rank Up}}}
Interaction #1 What about a nice drink that'll cool ya right down? Only 30,000 dracos! What a steal!
Interaction #2 It's too bloomin' HOT! I hate it!
Orta, come an' be my shade!
Interaction #3 Orta's still got debts to pay, so we're gonna hafta do quests 'ere... I'm cream-crackered!
Interaction #4 Who'd've thunk that we'd run into ya at the beach! Oh, us! We're on business, y'see?
Interaction #5 Ugh, I'm parched......
Gimme a li'l drink, will ya? Just a tipple, please!
Interaction #6 Let's go to the beach! 's alright, you don't have to swim! We're just gonna go ogle the 'ot guys!
Gift Box #1 What a lovely shell! Probably'd fetch a pretty penny... I'm joshin' ya; we ain't gonna sell it! Cross my 'eart!
Gift Box #2 Oh, it's meltin' in my mouth!
Lovely jubbly!
Gift Box #3 They'll see us through these swimsuits!
That's what you want? You randy bloke!
Gift Box #4 Wanna do a li'l boat trip? Fine by me.
Let's leave Pollon 'ere and try it out.
Gift Box #5 Ah, me an' Pollon, we're not like that......
......Well, you're a good bloke, we can tell ya......
Gift Box #6 These 'wa'ermelon' fings are pretty 'ard.
......Oh, you eat the inside?
For full crystalline good and interaction lines, refer to [[{{{Original}}}#Interactions_and_Crystalline_Good |]].
Event Dialogue
Win {{{Win}}}
Lose {{{Lose}}}
Rank Up {{{Rank Up}}}
Interaction #1 Waheeeeey! Trick or treat, buddyboy!
......Huh? Whaddya mean it's different?
Interaction #2 'Ello there! 'Appy New Year!
......Huh? It's not that......?
Interaction #3 I 'eard you can eat as many sweets as ya
like today! For free! Nada! Lovely-jubbly!
Interaction #4 Hey, you got me some too, right?!
Interaction #5 Bummer! I wanna go give someone
sumfink too, but... I'm totally skint!
Interaction #6 Aw bloomin' 'eck... I spent all the wonga
I was gonna use fer today on booze......
Gift Box #1 Looky 'ere, I found this pretty li'l stone!
Lemme give ya this as my prezzie!
Gift Box #2 ’Oly 'eck, these are delish!
I'm not givin' any of 'em to Orta!
Gift Box #3 Let's split this lot in 'alf and share 'em, savvy?
They'll be even nicer if we eat 'em together!
Gift Box #4 These are lovely! I it when they've got a li'l
bit of bitter in 'em! ......Wonder if they'd go well
wiv some booze?
Gift Box #5 Y-ya sure I can 'ave all of these?!
......Well, that's made my day, it 'as!
Gift Box #6 Th-thank ya, ya lovely git!
I promise I'll get ya sumfink nice back.
Swear on me 'eart.
For full crystalline good and interaction lines, refer to [[{{{Original}}}#Interactions_and_Crystalline_Good |]].

In other languages

Japanese Traditional Chinese Japanese Traditional Chinese
Pollon ポロン Poron 波隆 Bōlóng Orta オルタ Oruta 歐爾塔 Ōuěrtǎ
The Bickering Desert Bros! オレたち砂漠の凸凹兄弟 Oretachisabakunooutotsukyōdai 我們是沙漠的難兄難弟 Wǒmenshìshāmòdenànxiōngnàndì
Yer Up, Mate! バディコール Badikōru 呼叫拍檔 Hūjiàopāidàng Strike the Earth 岩砕衝波 Gansaishōha 碎岩衝擊波 Suìyánchōngjíbō
The Desert's Bickering Duo 砂漠の兄弟 Sabakunokyōdai 沙漠兄弟 Shāmòxiōngdì
Twinned Lodestones 双子の磁鉄鉱 Futagonojitekkō 雙子磁鐵礦 Shuāngzǐcítiěkuàng


  • A pair of hustlers who get up to all sorts of mischief around Amberdon. They are always moving from one scheme to the next, trying to make money any way they can. While typically treasure-hunters, they'll take just about any opportunity they can to try to stir up a profit, and are well-liked by the Amberdon lower class because of their charisma.
  • Though they are inseparable lovers, the two will insist that they aren't in a relationship with each other.


  • Though relatively higher cost than normal for a vanguard, Pollon starts to pay off in set-up once his summon, Orta is on the field. They start to perform differently afterwards.
  • Their nature improves their dps and survivability, which means it's more often than not necessary they are adjacent to each other, which may not always be accommodated by some stages or 4 star-challenges.
  • Orta's stats and lack of range also suggest his idea placement is in front of Pollon, patching up the latter's weaker defensive stats.
  • Also due to Orta having higher performing dps, Pollon's cost-on-kill cost generation loses reliability considerably.