The Battle System

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Select a unit to place it on a hex. It will auto attack when an enemy gets in range of it. When the yellow bar under a unit is filled, tap it to use it's skill

Stats Explanation

HP is the amount of hitpoints your unit has. When a unit reaches 0, it's automatically withdrawn.
Attack governs both the damage your units deal to enemies and the amount your Healers heal your allies. At its base damage is calculated simply as your Attack minus the enemy Defense stat, though the usage of Skills by you and the enemy can complicate this formula. Attacks or heals that damage or heal multiple units at once have their damage split.
Defense is the ability of your units to reduce the damage of enemy attacks. As its simplest base, damage done to your units is calculated simply as enemy attack - your defense stat. However, it's impossible for an enemy to deal less than 25% of their Attack as damage, so there are times where extra Defense will not benefit your units. Defense does not reduce magic damage, nor does it affect the healing you take from allies.
Magic Resist
Magic Resistance is the ability of a hero to reduce magic damage. Magic resist reduces damage by a percentage equal to value, ie 10 Magic Resistance = 10% reduced magic damage.
Redeploy is the time it takes for a unit to placed on the field again after either defeat or manual withdrawal.
Cost is the amount of Cost needed to deploy a unit onto the field from your Cost pool (which means units cost Cost, as odd as that sounds) in battle. Cost is gained naturally every second, and units such as Vanguards specialize in building more Cost with their abilities.
Block is the number of enemy units that an ally unit is able to stop from passing you. While a unit is blocking an enemy, they will engage in combat and fight until one is defeated. If an enemy reaches an ally while they're already fighting a number of enemies equal to their Block, the enemy will pass through. A few units are able to hit all enemy units that they're blocking at once.
Attack Speed
Attack Speed is the speed at which your unit attacks or heals your allies. Attack speed is displayed as an interval in seconds. This means that a LOWER number in your attack speed stat is actually FASTER, while HIGHER numbers in the attack speed stat attack SLOWER.
Intimacy is based on the amount of presents you've given a unit. Units get stat bonuses at specific intimacy levels.
Bond is an indicator of how many times you've used a unit in your Party. At the moment, it has no clear purpose.
SP is the yellow bar under your units HP in battle and governs their ability to use Skills. Although it's easy to first mistake SP as a recharging MP bar similar to other RPGS, technically, characters do not actually have an SP stat tied to their character. The SP amount you see in battle is actually tied to each specific Skill, not the character itself. Skills with higher SP cost take longer to charge.

Skills Explanation

Skills are

The Map Structure

The Red hexs are the enemy spawns. The blue hex is the point you have to keep them from.