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The Shadow King of Indignation
6 Stars ☆☆☆☆☆☆



Illustrator wasp
Release Date 4/7/2023
Availability Standard Scouting

Alternate Variants

Alternate Variants
Character Stats
1 1123 301 146 0 1 80 17 1.3
50 1187 406 217 0 1 80 17 1.3
Silver Rank Up
Character Stats
1 1871 406 217 0 1 80 17 1.3
80 2149 458 245 0 1 80 17 1.3
Silver Rank Up
Silver Rank Up
Bronze Max Level Up
Silver Rank Up
TRAIT Inflicts Physical Damage on the enemy.
ATK +4% per enemy defeated. (MAX of +40%)
NATURE Rage On You Crazy Dirtbags!
When in party, the ATK of all ally [Fighter] unit(s) increases by +10%.
INTIMACY BONUS ❤ 30% ❤ 50% ❤ 100%
Attack +5 Magic Resist +7 HP +13

Skills[edit | edit source]

Wrath of the Gods
Level Effect Init. SP SP Cost
Level 1 Inflicts physical damage at 50% ATK three times consecutively during next attack. When skill activates, burns all enemies within 2 tiles for 25 seconds (just once). 8 30
Level 2 Inflicts physical damage at 55% ATK three times consecutively during next attack. When skill activates, burns all enemies within 2 tiles for 25 seconds (just once). 8 30
Level 3 Inflicts physical damage at 60% ATK three times consecutively during next attack. When skill activates, burns all enemies within 2 tiles for 25 seconds (just once). 10 28
Level 4 Inflicts physical damage at 65% ATK three times consecutively during next attack. When skill activates, burns all enemies within 2 tiles for 25 seconds (just once). 10 28
Level 5 Inflicts physical damage at 70% ATK three times consecutively during next attack. When skill activates, burns all enemies within 2 tiles for 25 seconds (just once). 10 28
Level 6 Inflicts physical damage at 75% ATK three times consecutively during next attack. When skill activates, burns all enemies within 2 tiles for 25 seconds (just once). 10 26
Level 7 Inflicts physical damage at 85% ATK three times consecutively during next attack. When skill activates, burns all enemies within 2 tiles for 25 seconds (just once). 10 23

Damage Type: [[:Category:Skill-{{{damage-type}}}|{{{damage-type}}}]]

Attack Reach: [[:Category:Skill-{{{attack-reach}}}|{{{attack-reach}}}]]
Skill Upgrades
Level Skill Upgrade
Skill Manual I: 5
Skill Manual I: 5

Weathered Claws: 10
Skill Manual II: 8

Claws: 4
Skill Manual II: 8

Weathered Claws: 8
Skill Manual III: 8

Gelatinous Lubricant: 4
Skill Manual III: 8

Claws of the Depraved: 6

Gelatinous Lubricant: 3

Interactions and Crystalline Good[edit | edit source]

Mantle of Fury
[The Shadow King of Indignation] Lucifer

Crystalline Good [template edit]

Event Dialogue
Win I knew we were gonna win! Ah, I need to get me some grub......
Lose Whaddya think you're doin', losin' the fight?! D'you have balls or not?!
Rank Up Your anger is justified.
Stop bein' such a wimp. Get mad, go wild!
Interaction #1 Hm? You need me for something?
Interaction #2 Oh, I'm going crazy in here!
Let's go out and spar or something!
Interaction #3 Let's go beat up some monsters.
Go get Atmos for me.
Interaction #4 Hey, get me something to eat, will you?
I'm busy right now.
Interaction #5 When I'm with you, I feel... It's not being
angry, it's somethin' else......
Interaction #6 none
Gift Box #1 Well, this is sudden...!
Are you feeling alright?
Gift Box #2 I said I don't want it! That there's an important
item, so you should keep it...
Gift Box #3 Go give that to Atmos or something.
I'm sure he'd love it.
Gift Box #4 Spit it out already!
You want me to love you, right?
Gift Box #5 They're my size, but looks like I'll stick out
at the front. Choose them better next time,
Gift Box #6 none
For full crystalline good and interaction lines, refer to [[{{{Original}}}#Interactions_and_Crystalline_Good |]].
Event Dialogue
Win {{{Win}}}
Lose {{{Lose}}}
Rank Up {{{Rank Up}}}
Interaction #1 It's too damned hot! What's with this heat?
This isn't like my volcano at all!
Interaction #2 Alright, time for a dip in the ocean!
Meet me at that island over there!
Interaction #3 Hey, you know where Atmos went?
I lost him in the crowd.
Interaction #4 Whoa! I thought I heard some cool sounds!
So, those're those "fireworks" things!
Interaction #5 How does my swimsuit look?
Folker picked it out for me. Doesn't it suit me well?
Interaction #6 none
Gift Box #1 Now those're some tasty-looking meat skewers!
I was just getting hungry, so thank you!
Gift Box #2 Call the other guys for some volleyball!
I'm gonna prepare my special secret ultimate move!
Gift Box #3 Where'd you find this?
I'll try this out on Atmos.
Gift Box #4 Beer?! How thoughtful of you!
Call the others over to have a round!
Gift Box #5 You got these just for me, so I'll wear 'em......
But just this once, got it?!
Gift Box #6 none
For full crystalline good and interaction lines, refer to [[{{{Original}}}#Interactions_and_Crystalline_Good |]].
Event Dialogue
Win {{{Win}}}
Lose {{{Lose}}}
Rank Up {{{Rank Up}}}
Interaction #1 Get all your little friends together!
We're having a chocolate party!
Interaction #2 Shut the hell up?! You went and made little
chocolates all by yourself?! You could've
just bought 'em for me, dumbass!
Interaction #3 I'm hungry. Gimme some sugar!
I don't really care 'bout the details.
Interaction #4 I don't know much about this "Valentine's"
stuff, but I know you mainly stuff your face
with chocolate for a day or so.
Interaction #5 Atmos is really going all out for this.
He hasn't even had time for a date with me!
Interaction #6 none
Gift Box #1 What are you being all hesitant and
distant for? C'mon, time for a bear hug!
Gift Box #2 You're giving me some, too?!
What the hell am I gonna do with this
mountain of candy......?
Gift Box #3 Some squirmin' and spit it out!
You look like you've got something to say!
Gift Box #4 You're interested in me?
Hahaha... well, same to you!
Gift Box #5 You've got a look on your face like
you want me to not go easy on you.
Welp, if you really want that... Heheh.
Gift Box #6 none
For full crystalline good and interaction lines, refer to [[{{{Original}}}#Interactions_and_Crystalline_Good |]].

In other languages[edit | edit source]

Japanese Traditional Chinese
Lucifer サタン Satan 撒旦 Sādàn
Rage On You Crazy Dirtbags! ブチギレろ、野郎ども! Buchigirero, yarōdomo! 小子們,暴怒起來! Xiǎozimen, bàonùqǐlái!
Wrath of the Gods ラース・オブ・ゴッド Rāsuobugoddo 神之憤怒 Shénzhīfènnù
The Shadow King of Indignation 憤怒の魔王 Fundonomaō 憤怒的魔王 Fènnùdemówáng
Mantle of Fury 怒れるマントル Okorerumantoru 憤怒地核 Fènnùdìhé

Notes[edit | edit source]