Rank Up Release History

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Revision as of 15:51, 31 March 2023 by Jeebs (talk | contribs)
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See also Updates.

For order of character releases by banner, see: Banner History.

Rank Up Implementations
# 1,2 3 4 5 0, 6+ Pattern
2.0.0 6 Elaine, Amorey, Robin Leonhart Barboros, Gaia Starting Cast
2.0.1 4 Fu, Rai Jinnosuke, Pino Most of Yamato Banner 1, Pino from El Presidente
2.0.2 6 Dyne, Gymnos Kafka, Hellion,

Jalam, Zacharoff

Most of Amberdon Banner, and Obsidonia 1 & 2 banner
2.0.3 6 Seals Lute Rook, Sol, Yabsakha Billford Amberdon banner units cleared. Most of Variey banner.
2.0.4 6 Yurt Hulk, Ragnar, Harimau Dakkar, Edgar El Presidente banner cleared. Hulk due to event relevance (EW)
2.0.7 6 Charlotte Patty, Pugi Wrecker Bashkar, Siddeley All launch Verdancia units cleared. Bashkar due to event relevance (EW)
2.0.8 4 Lisa, Thorkell Theodor, Rougarou Most of Azureterra banner. Rougarou due to event relevance (EW)
2.1.0 5 Hanzo, Beelzebub Jade, Rasho, Volund Yamato banner 1 cleared. Most of Yamato banner 2. All strangers so far cleared.
2.1.2 5 Bantu Corca, Barlitz,

Stalon, Gordov

Corca rank up data was datamined on 2.1.0.

Dragon Isle and half of Pays Blanc cleared.

2.1.3 4 Baran, Arcana Karetovi , Nitro Half of Surtsey and Sepia cleared.
2.1.4 2 Romanes, Dward Romanes rank up data was datamined by 2.1.0.

Obsidonia cleared.

2.1.5 3 Flet, Kongoh Kagura Flet rank up data was datamined by 2.1.0.

All 3 stars are cleared. Variey banner cleared.

2.1.6 2 Alec, Ornis Alec rank up data data mined since 2.1.0 and 2.1.4.

All launch 4 stars cleared. Surtsey is cleared.

2.1.8 1 Bart Bart rank up data was datamined by 2.1.0

Flet receives rank up art this version.

2.1.9 3 Walther Pius Anima First Half of Verdancia banners cleared.

All 4 stars cleared. 3 Brute Azmond, Thomas Thomas was data mined since 2.1.0.

Sepia is cleared. All launch 6 stars cleared. 2 Morgan Equus Morgan was datamined since 2.1.0.

Pays Blanc cleared. All launch characters cleared. 1 Sigvaldi 1 Rothhart Obsidonia is cleared. 1 Forte Forte data was datamined since 2.3.1

Verdancia is cleared. All 6 stars now have rank up. 1 Sarutobi Sarutobi was datamined since 2.1.8

All Pre 2023 characters cleared. 4 Pirate Medic, Pirate Musketeer,

Pirate Swordsman, Pirate Sorcerer

Precedent that lower rarities can be ranked up
Datamined (2.3.1) Baccarat
Remaining Baccarat


Sepia (Baccarat)

Yamato (Kancrow)

Completion 13/13 14/14 22 / 24 26 / 26 2 Remaining Units.
[edit] Update History