Erotic Wrestling Quests

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These are Event Quests related to Erotic Wrestling.

Federation Slums


Quest Code Name Description Map Preview 4 Star Challenge
EW-1 Dumb Mutt x Dumb Adventurer End of the World
EW-2 Dumb Mutt x Dumb Adventurer End of the World II Let the storm-inducing erotic wrestling matches commence!<br>Scatter the hooligans that flock to the scene! Ally Unit Deploy COST Upped
EW-3 ★Erotic Men's Fight Club
EW-4 Erotic Men's Fight Club II Werewolf intrusion results in an unexpected turn!? Fight off the flying bats while you're at it! Enemy HP Increased
EW-5 No Way I'm Taking Part in Erotic Wrestling!!
EW-6 No Way I'm Taking Part in Erotic Wrestling!! II All the creatures in this town are so hot-blooded...<br>Let's give these rascals a taste of their own medicine! Number of Enemies Increased
EW-7 ★The Club Owner is a Mutt Lover
EW-8 The Club Owner is a Mutt Lover II The crowd is wild at the sight of the orgasmic erotic<br>wrestling match! Use any force necessary to get rid of<br>the rude people cutting in line! Deploy Count Decreased

Castle District


Quest Code Name Description Map Preview 4 Star Challenge
EW-9 Subjugate the Werewolves
EW-10 Subjugate the Werewolves II Werewolves have overrun the slums and are starting to infiltrate the castle district!? Round 'em all up before they cause even more damage! Undeployable Tiles Increased
EW-11 Subjugate the Werewolves III Werewolves are rampaging in broad daylight in the crampt castle district......Hunt down the ringleader of this crazy commotion!<br>[BOSS] Rougarou Enemy HP Increased

Coliseum Arena


Quest Code Name Description Map Preview 4 Star Challenge
EW-12 Relic Rush!
EW-13 One-Way Ticket to Fulfill Dreams
EW-14 One-Way Ticket to Fulfill Dreams II The ancient Colosseum has devolved into a monster breeding ground! Repair the dilapidated interior and get to work on preparations for the greatest event of your dreams! Enemy Speed Increased
EW-15 One-Way Ticket to Fulfill Dreams III The Colosseum provides shelter to lone adventurers away from the harsh elements, but you'll need to ask them to vacate the place in what little time is left! Enemy ATK Increased
EW-16 The Silverback Werewolf
EW-17 The Pervert Monster Championship Open!
EW-18 ★Challenger Rougarou!
EW-19 Challenger Rougarou! II The smell of flesh and blood draws in werewolves into the ring in a mad dash. Don't miss out on the heated battle as the crowd is all stiff in their seats! Enemy HP Increased



Quest Code Name Description Map Preview 4 Star Challenge
EW-20 ★Throne of Smoke



Quest Code Name Description Map Preview 4 Star Challenge
EW-CH-1 Erotic Wrestling Battle Spinoff Who will be the special guest Obsidonian guest of honor at tonight's exhibition match!? Clear this intense battling, high-difficulty quest to obtain a special treasure! Enemy HP, ATK, and DEF Increased
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