Event Quests

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Event quests are storylines that take place alongside or in-between Main Story quests, and provide players additional story, and stages to play. For a limited time, event drops would be available when clearing stages, and can be exchanged on the events shop. If stages are farmed without ever over-capping on stamina, it usually takes around 30 days to clear out the shop, which is enough time through-out the event duration without spending on stamina replenishing items. Once the drop and shop durations have passed, the event stages will remain. Currently, there is no precedent for an event shop to rerun.

For event farming and event exchange tips, refer to Tips and Tricks.

Note: Event pages may contain spoiler content.

Note: Pages are currently wip!


Event Image Event Name Event Quests Release Date Drop/Shop Status
Buy Off the Pirates with My XXX!? ¡Viva el presidente!

おれさまの✕✕✕で海賊買収!? ビバ・プレジデンテ!

用大爺我的✕✕✕把海賊給收買了! 總統萬歲!

PE-1 Until PE-15 1/18/2022 Open
Thugs Disturbing the Night Cannot Be Ignored! Day & Night in Pays Blanc

夜を乱す輩は捨て置けぬ! パイス・ブランの昼と夜

不能放任擾亂夜晚的傢伙不管! 帕斯・白朗的白晝與黑夜

PN-1 Until PN-19, PN-CH-1 3/31/2022 Closed
Get Fired Up for Erotic Wrestling! Roaring Passion! Explosively Raging Boners!

燃え上がれ!エロレスファイト!唸れ熱血! 滾るぜ爆根!

燃燒吧!色情摔角大賽 嘶吼的熱血! 滾燙熱血的粗大巨根!

EW-1 Until EW-20, EW-CH-1 7/15/2022 Closed
Swimsuit-Only Dress Code! Bright Summer Fest!

~You’re Invited to Rammy Night Parties Hosted by DJ Azmond!~






SF-1 Until SF16, SF-CH-1 9/30/2022 Closed
Swimsuit-Only Dress Code! Bright Summer Beach Fest
~You’re Invited to Rammy Night Parties Hosted by DJ Azmond!~

(Night Time)





MN-1 Until MN-14, MN-CH-1 & MN-CH-2 10/28/2022 Closed
The Most XXX Day of the Year is Here! Wish for a Hole-y Night


1年之間最✕✕✕的日子來了! 在性夜許下願望

HN-1 Until HN-16 12/10/2022 Shop Only
Spies VS Ninja! Make Your New Year Wishes at Yamato!

スパイVS忍者 初詣はヤマトへGO!


NY-1 Until NY-13 (Ongoing) 1/31/2022 Open
[edit] Events
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