Upgrading Characters

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There are different means of upgrading characters, often requiring expending farmable resource. Most of these is accessed through the Boost menu.

Upgrade Overview
Aspect Resource Acquire Method
Level Battle Records and Draco Farming Quests, Event Shops
Skill Skill books, Class materials, and Draco Farming Quests, Event Shops
Rank Class materials Farming Quests, Event Shops
Intimacy Gift Boxes Farming Quests, Event Shops
Proficiency Memories Scouting

Leveling Up

Levelling up directly increases character's stats, which improves their combat effectiveness directly. Instead of characters getting exp and the like from clearing quests, characters require battle records and draco to level up. And each character has their own stat growth, and benefits from levelling differently. The stats that grow through levelling would be HP, ATK, and DEF. After a character reaches their maximum level their Rank can be increased.

Requirements to increase a character's level scales exponentially as their level goes higher. There is a 1:1.1 ratio on the required cost for exp and draco. And the stat gains don't necessarily scale higher as they gain levels, instead grow linearly. Due to this, it is ideal to mostly cap a character's level if you're invested in ranking them up or simply maxing them out, and otherwise keep them at certain threshold where costs aren't too steep.

The best way to acquire Draco and Battle Records is from Exploration Quests.

Rarity Rank

Max Level

Total EXP Total Draco
Any ★ Bronze 50 24142 26556
3★ Silver 55 78818 86700
4★ Silver 60 109103 120013
5★ Silver 70 207488 228237
6★ Silver 80 392233 431456
NOTE: Silver rank calculations start at Silver Rank Level 1

For more information refer to Character Level Up Data.

Rank Up

"Allow me to show you the glorious Hanging Gardens of Pays Blanc!Please, follow me this way!"
Increasing rank gives Romanes new art, spritework, level up curve and access to level 7 skills.His Level 50 bronze rank stats are retained and can now be further enhanced.

Also see Rank Up Release History.

Increasing a character's rank is the next step to increasing their effectiveness in battle. There are three ranks in Anothereidos: Bronze, Silver and Gold. Currently only 3★ and above are able to increase their rank and the maximum rank is silver. Not all characters can increase their rank when implemented. The rank up feature is currently still in development and may take some time before they're granted access. As a result some character's ability to rank up is currently unimplemented.

When a character reaches maximum level for their rarity and rank they gain the ability to "Rank Up." Ranking up resets their current level back to one, but keeps their current base stats. No character can be made worse by increasing their rank. Silver rank characters will always be better than they were in bronze rank. Additionally characters are assigned a new level curve with a new maximum level and resource requirements. These new levels have different growth rates compared to their bronze rank growth rates. Leveling up a character in bronze rank is not the same as leveling them up in silver. Keep in mind these new growth rates might not benefit some characters as much as other characters and some characters benefit significantly more than others. In rare instances increasing rank can enhance a character's SPD.

Additionally increasing a character's rank gives them new art, new battle spritework, and grants them access to level 7 skills. Due to the size of the development team and number of artists not all characters receive rank up artwork immediately.

The items required to increase the rank of character vary depending on the character's class and rarity. All characters with the same class require the same type of items. Higher rarity characters require more of these items. All of these items can be acquired from Exploration Quests and Event Exchanges. These items are more difficult to obtain from exploration quests compared to Draco and Exp, so it's best to grab these from event exchanges. Each class has it's own upgrade item (feathers for vanguards, bottles for healers, claws for strangers, etc.) and an additional item that is used by two of the classes (both fighters and guards use polish).

Items Required to Increase Rank from Bronze to Silver
3★ x10000 x10000 x10000 x10000 x10000 x10000 x10000 x10000
4★ x15000 x3 x2 x15000 x3 x2 x15000 x3 x2 x15000 x3 x2 x15000 x3 x2 x15000 x3 x2 x15000 x3 x2 x15000 x3 x2
5★ x20000 x6 x4 x20000 x6 x4 x20000 x6 x4 x20000 x6 x4 x20000 x6 x4 x20000 x6 x4 x20000 x6 x4 x20000 x6 x4
6★ x30000 x10 x5 x30000 x10 x5 x30000 x10 x5 x30000 x10 x5 x30000 x10 x5 x30000 x10 x5 x30000 x10 x5 x30000 x10 x5

Upgrading Skills

Upgrading skills is another way to enhance your character's combat effectiveness. Skills can be upgraded by giving characters Skill Manuals and Class Upgrade Materials. The amount of and types of resources required to upgrade skills vary depending on the character's rarity and class. Higher rarity characters require more items compared to lower rarity ones. These items can be acquired from Exploration Quests and Event Exchanges. These items are more difficult to obtain from exploration quests compared to Draco and Exp, so it's best to grab these from event exchanges. Each class has it's own upgrade item (feathers for vanguards, bottles for healers, claws for strangers, etc.) and an additional item that is used by two of the classes (both fighters and guards use polish).

Upgrading skills can do one or more of the following

  • Increase the numerical value in the skill's description.
  • Reduce the SP required to use a skill.
  • Increase the initial SP of the skill when the character is deployed.
  • Add an additional effect to the skill or modify it's range.

If characters do not have a numerical value in their skill or there is no change in the skill's description, the enhancement comes from reducing their skill's cooldown time. For example summoners like Anima or Hanzo have their initial summon or resummon time reduced when their skills are upgraded, but the stats of their summons are dependent on the character's level.

The maximum skill level for bronze rank characters is 3. Skills can be enhanced further by increasing the character's rank to silver. The maximum skill level for silver rank characters is 7. Generally the most significant skill upgrades occur at higher skill levels.

Total Amount of Resources Required to Upgrade a Character's Skill from Level 1 to Level 7
1★ x3 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1
2★ x3 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1
3★ x3 x2 x3 x1 x2 x3 x1 x1 x2 x3 x1 x1 x2 x3 x1 x1 x2 x3 x1 x1 x2 x3 x1 x1 x2 x3 x1 x1 x2 x3 x1 x1 x2 x3 x1
4★ x4 x6 x7 x4 x3 x3 x2 x4 x3 x3 x2 x4 x3 x3 x2 x4 x3 x3 x2 x4 x3 x3 x2 x4 x3 x3 x2 x4 x3 x3 x2 x4 x3 x3 x2
5★ x8 x12 x12 x5 x3 x6 x5 x5 x3 x6 x5 x5 x3 x6 x5 x5 x3 x6 x5 x5 x3 x6 x5 x5 x3 x6 x5 x5 x3 x6 x5 x5 x3 x6 x5
6★ x10 x16 x16 x10 x4 x12 x7 x10 x4 x12 x7 x10 x4 x12 x7 x10 x4 x12 x7 x10 x4 x12 x7 x10 x4 x12 x7 x10 x4 x12 x7 x10 x4 x12 x7


Anima's intimacy bonuses are HP +5, Nature Boost, and DEF +13. However, none of them actually work.

Intimacy is a stat that indicates how intimate the character is with Gaia / The Protagonist. Intimacy is rated at a value between 0% and 100% After reaching 100% intimacy the character opens their heart to Gaia and he's able to see into their pasts using his "Dragon Eyes." Additionally intimacy is supposed to give intimacy bonuses at 30%, 50%, and 100%. Intimacy bonuses vary between characters and can be viewed on the interaction screen. Currently the intimacy bonus mechanic is unimplemented and intimacy only unlocks a character's still01, they have no actual battle effect on characters.

Intimacy Bonuses can include:

  • DEF +5 / +7 / +13
  • HP +5 / +7 / +13
  • RES +5 / +7 / +13
  • Nature Boost
Icon Name Intimacy
Yellow Gift Box


Purple Gift Box


Blue Gift Box 3
Green Gift Box 1


Robin's first 25 proficiency increases.The per level growths get worse the more system is invested in.

Generally, it's recommended to avoid this system entirely.

Proficiency is a small stat bonus gained through expending Draco and character duplicates. The maximum proficiency level is 99. Proficiency bonuses experience diminishing returns very quickly. At the moment, it's not a wise use of Draco to enhance any of your characters past +10 at the absolute most, with +7 or +8 being a fair stopping point. The stat gains at around +7 quickly drop and become very minimal. Since it's not easy to farm large amounts of Draco or duplicates, enhancing characters to high proficiency is very difficult with minimal gain. Due to the hundreds of dupes required and the extremely low success rates at the highest levels it's very unlikely you will ever reach +99.

  • Proficiency can enhance HP, Attack, Defense, Reposition, and Attack Speed. This is the only way to improve base reposition and attack speed.
  • The cost and number of duplicates needed to increase Proficiency increases with Proficiency level.
  • At higher levels, upgrades can fail. These only consumes the Draco and not the duplicates.
  • Stat gains are different between characters, and there is no known formula for their gains.
  • The stat gains are flat and works independent of what level your character is. You will gain the same stat boost between giving +1 proficiency to a Lv 1 Romanes, and a Lv 50 Romanes.
    • Proficiency doesn't scale with Rank either, so a Bronze Rank Anima will have the same flat stat increases as a Silver Rank Anima.
  • +1 gives the largest boost in stats. Subsequent boosts will give less stat gains and increasingly severe diminishing returns. At the moment, upgrading a character past +8 isn't much worth the cost unless you really like a character.
  • The max Proficiency level is +99 and requires several hundred duplicates.
  • The final proficiency increase for a 4-star costs 1,250,000 Draco, 7 Dupes, and has success rate of 0.5%.
  • If you somehow manage to reach +99 proficiency for a specific character it doesn't affect any scouting pool. The character can still be scouted at anytime.
  • Only a couple characters have been seen at +99, but they seemed to show an overall 10% increase in HP, Attack, and Attack Speed, and around a 30% increase in Defense (compared using max level Bronze rank).


Upgrading characters to reach their maximum potential can be a long and tedious process. It's generally recommended to follow this pattern for most characters:

  1. Intimacy (if they have a still01)
  2. Level up
  3. Rank up, then level to ~50.
  4. Skill upgrades
  5. Finish leveling
  6. Proficiency (can be ignored entirely)
Average Time and Stamina Required to Fully Upgrade a 6-Star
Exp Totals
Quantity 416375 488012 10 12 14 12 10 16 16
Stamina 1700 2380 70 180 380 198 68 200 330 5506
Days 7.1 9.9 0.3 0.8 1.6 0.8 0.3 0.8 1.4 22.9
Average Time and Stamina Required to Fully Upgrade a 5-Star
Exp Totals
Quantity 231630 274793 5 12 3 9 8 12 12
Stamina 952 1343 40 180 80 162 51 150 240 3198
Days 4.0 5.6 0.2 0.8 0.3 0.7 0.2 0.6 1.0 13.3
Average Time and Stamina Required to Fully Upgrade a 4-Star
Exp Totals
Quantity 121690 148859 7 3 3 4 4 6 7
Stamina 493 731 50 45 80 72 34 75 150 1730
Days 2.1 3.0 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.6 7.2
Average Time and Stamina Required to Fully Upgrade a 3-Star
Exp Totals
Quantity 91405 110546 1 3 2 1 3 2 3
Stamina 374 544 10 45 60 18 17 25 60 1153
Days 1.6 2.3 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 4.8