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High Priest
3 Stars ☆☆☆



Illustrator CHIVO
Release Date 12/24/2021
Availability Flyers, Standard Scouting

Alternate Variants

Character Stats
1 587 250 40 10 1 70 17 1.6
40 839 354 67 10 1 70 17 1.6
Silver Rank Up
Character Stats
1 839 354 67 10 1 70 17 1.6
55 954 481 71 10 1 70 17 1.6
Silver Rank Up
INTIMACY BONUS ❤ 30% ❤ 50% ❤ 100%
Enhance Nature HP +7 Defense +13


Golden Dragon Jaws
Level Effect Init. SP SP Cost
Level 1 ATK +30%; enemies with lowest remaining HP percentage are attacked with priority. This effect lasts until leaving the battlefield. 0 90
Level 2 ATK +33%; enemies with lowest remaining HP percentage are attacked with priority. This effect lasts until leaving the battlefield. 0 90
Level 3 ATK +36%; enemies with lowest remaining HP percentage are attacked with priority. This effect lasts until leaving the battlefield. 0 85
Level 4 ATK +39%; enemies with lowest remaining HP percentage are attacked with priority. This effect lasts until leaving the battlefield. 0 85
Level 5 ATK +42%; enemies with lowest remaining HP percentage are attacked with priority. This effect lasts until leaving the battlefield. 0 85
Level 6 ATK +46%; enemies with lowest remaining HP percentage are attacked with priority. This effect lasts until leaving the battlefield. 0 85
Level 7 ATK +50%; enemies with lowest remaining HP percentage are attacked with priority. This effect lasts until leaving the battlefield. 0 80

Damage Type: [[:Category:Skill-{{{damage-type}}}|{{{damage-type}}}]]

Attack Reach: [[:Category:Skill-{{{attack-reach}}}|{{{attack-reach}}}]]
Skill Upgrades
Level Skill Upgrades
Skill Manual I: 1
Skill Manual I: 2

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Snapped Branch: 1
Skill Manual II: 1

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Branch: 1
Skill Manual II: 1

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Branch: 2
Skill Manual III: 1

Gelatinous Lubricant: 1
Skill Manual III: 2

Magical Branch: 2

Interactions and Crystalline Good

The Whistle of Harmony
[High Priest] Baran

Crystalline Good [template edit]

Event Dialogue
Win Alright, that's it! Let's keep it up!
Lose Are you alright!? It doesn't matter if we win or lose so long as you're safe......
Rank Up Sparkling golden dragon fangs shall lead the way! Accept thy blessings!
Interaction #1 If you're going on quest, I definitely want to join. I'm so interested in how you fight. And......
Interaction #2 Why, if it isn't you! I was just thinking about you!
Interaction #3 Don't get tense just 'cause it's the two of us. I'm not even sure what to do in this situation.
Interaction #4 Aren't you tired? sometimes you do need to rest.
Interaction #5 Your dragon fang is sure bright today. Something good is sure to happen.
Interaction #6 none
Gift Box #1 Don't say something so naughty... I don't even know how to return the favor...
Gift Box #2 These undies are so thin! B-but, I'm happy you got 'em for me!
Gift Box #3 Are you sure? Thank you......
Gift Box #4 You're really giving me a present? Why, thank you.
Gift Box #5 Are you sure I can accept something so valuable? Be sure to except something just as fine as this!
Gift Box #6 none
For full crystalline good and interaction lines, refer to [[{{{Original}}}#Interactions_and_Crystalline_Good |]].

Event Dialogue
Win {{{Win}}}
Lose {{{Lose}}}
Rank Up {{{Rank Up}}}
Interaction #1 Oh, it's you?
I was just thinking about going for a swim.
Interaction #2 I found some neatly shaped seashells.
I got some for you, too.
Interaction #3 Don't you think you've been swimming too much?
Summer has only just begun, so do it moderately.
Interaction #4 You're going to swim out to opean sea?
Then, let's make a competition!
Interaction #5 The beach is great in the evening.
It's nice being together just the two of us like this with peace and quiet......
Interaction #6 none
Gift Box #1 Sun lotion?
I'll use this with pleasure.
Gift Box #2 I really enjoy the meals from the Sea Lodge.
Thank you for going out of your way.
Gift Box #3 Isn't this hard to get your hands on?
Oh my, this will be hard to repay......
Gift Box #4 Even if it's summer, isn't this a bit indecent......?
I don't mind wearing it, though......
Gift Box #5 Th-this is a swimsuit......?
Um, I don't think it'll fit......
Gift Box #6 none
For full crystalline good and interaction lines, refer to [[{{{Original}}}#Interactions_and_Crystalline_Good |]].

In other languages

Japanese Traditional Chinese
Baran バラン Baran 畢宿 Bìxiù
Golden Dragon Fang Sparkle 黄金竜牙の煌き Koganeryūgenokirameki 黃金龍牙之煌熠 Huángjīnlóngyázhīhuángyì
Golden Dragon Awakening 黄金竜のアギト Koganeryūnoagito 黃金龍之覺醒 Huángjīnlóngzhījuéxǐng
High Priest 司祭長 Shisai-chō 祭司長 Jìsīzhǎng
The Whistle of Harmony 調和の蟲笛 Chōwanomushibue 調和的蟲笛 Tiáohédechóngdí


  • His English Nature states "when attacking with 40% or less hp" but his Japanese Nature states it's when attacking ENEMIES with that have 40% or less hp.
  • Baran is generally decent all-around and a useful unit. Flexible range, a Skill that's easy to use and never turns off, good DPS, and is easily obtained from Flyers.
  • A previous Update greatly increased the SP cost of his skills. This does make him less useful, but he does have a use.