Chapter 1

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Revision as of 21:49, 26 December 2022 by Jeebs (talk | contribs)
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Part of Main Storyline

Quest Rewards

General Rewards

Reward Pool Reward
Standard Common chance to get Battle Records and possibly other items.
Standard (Draco) Computed based on Stamina Spent multiplied by 30.
Rare Rare chance to get Skill Manuals and possibly other items.
Recruitment Flyer 90% Chance to get one Recruitment Flyer of any tier.

*Data is based on user testing and observation.

Chapter 0

Clear Type Reward
Story Quest Clear x6 Battle Record I, x800 Draco
First Quest Clear x1 Battle Record I, x800 Draco, x1 Dragon Vein Stone, x1 Skill Manual I
First Quest Clear Until 0-14 (Addition to above) x1 Yellow Giftbox
First 3-Star Quest Clear x1 Battle Record II, x800 Draco, x1 Staminade, x1 Skill Manual II
First 4-Star Quest Clear x1 Dragon Vein Stone

4 Star Missions

4 Star missions are levels with a challenge modifier on them. 0-2 and 0-5 do not have a four star mission. They tend to raise stats of enemies a sizeable amount or limit you in some way. You just have to win a 4 Star mission to complete it. Later levels will lower your lives. They also change up what enemies spawn in the level.

Types of 4 Star Missions for Main Storyline Quests
Challenge Name Details Wiki Tag
Enemy ATK increased The enemy deals more damage. 4☆ ATK up
Undeployable Tiles Increased Some tiles on the map are blocked off. This makes it harder to make a choke point. 4☆ UTI
Enemy DEF increased The enemy takes less physical damage. 4☆ DEF up
Ally Unit Def Weakened Your units take more physical damage. 4☆ DEF down
Enemy HP increased Enemies have more health. 4☆ HP up
Ally Unit Depoly COST Upped Ally units cost more to use. The later the level, the higher the COST payment. 4☆ COST up
Enemy Speed Increased Enemies move faster. 4☆ speed up
Ally unit HP Decreased Your units have less HP. 4☆ HP down
Ally unit ATK Decreased Your units deal less damage. 4☆ ATK down
No Natural Recovery of Deploy COST Your COST income is disabled. 4☆ NCR
Deploy Count Decreased The amount of units you can use at the same time is lowered. 4☆ DCD
Natural decrease of HP Increased On levels with a constant HP damage, this increases the effect. 4☆ HP DMG
Number of Enemies Increased Adds some extra spawns to the level. 4☆ Enemies up

Chapter 1: The Black Emerald

The Free City of Variey


The Capital of Pays Blanc

[edit] Main Storyline