Holey Night

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Revision as of 10:21, 24 December 2022 by Jeebs (talk | contribs) (progress on format, infobox, and smaller event shop table)
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Holey Night
The Most XXX Day of the Year is Here! Wish for a Hole-y Night

Quest Code
Event Drop

Event [template edit]

"Loads of “Adult Toys” are appearing inside the Lair of Ice in the Fortress City-State of Azureterra!

Why!? How come!?

Our rich kid from the Federation has set off to the Lair of Ice as the chance he has been looking for!

Here, we also have our Paladin making his appearance, daring not to allow the corruption of morality that is unfolding as they head toward night on Christmas Eve…!"

Related Countries: Pays Blanc, Azureterra

Login Campaign

For now see Login Event Campaigns.

Related Banners

For now see Banner History.

Event Stages


Event Shop

Total Event Drops Cost is 7470.

Item Qty Unit Cost Total Cost
Sigvaldi's Secret 1 100 100
Tavern Background 1 10 10
Church Background 1 10 10
Edgar's Freebie Ticket 10 150 1500
Green Flyer 40 10 400
Staminade 5 10 50
Extra Rich Staminade 15 20 300
Skip Ticket 40 10 400
Purple Gift 20 5 100
10,000 Draco 50 10 500
Battle Record IV 200 5 1000
Skill Manual I 10 10 100
Skill Manual II 25 4 100
Skill Manual III 50 2 100
Tier 1 Class Materials 50 2 100 x 7
Tier 2 Class Materials 25 4 100 x 7
Tier 3 Class Materials 10 10 100 x 7


10 10 100 x 4

Quest Efficiency

Quest Efficiency (7470 Adult Toys Required to Clear the Exchange)
Quest Additional Reward Stam Cost Adult Toy Toy / Stam Plays to clear Shop Stamina to clear Shop Days to clear Shop Additional Reward / Stamina Total Additional Rewards
HN-2 1000 Draco 12 12 1 623 7476 31.2 83.3 623000 Draco
HN-3 600 Exp 16 16 1 467 7472 31.1 37.5 280200 Exp
HN-7 1250 Draco 14 14 1 534 7476 31.2 89.3 667500 Draco
HN-8 Gift Box(es) 18 18 1 415 7470 31.1 Insignificant Insignificant

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