Deep Sea Delivery Quests

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These are Event Quests for Deep Sea Delivery.

General Quest Rewards
Reward Pool Reward
  • Event Drops
  • Regular rewards (see below)
Recruitment Flyer 90% chance to get one Recruitment Flyer of any tier
Chapter Exclusive Rewards
Clear Type Reward
Story Quest Clear
  • x1 Dragon Vein Stone
  • x1 Battle Record I
  • x1000 Draco
First Quest Clear x1 Dragon Vein Stone
First 4-Star Quest Clear x1 Dragon Vein Stone

Submarine - The Nautilus


Quest Code Type Name Description Map Preview 4 Star Challenge Regular Rewards
ID-1 Closing of the Pololympics
ID-2 Closing of the Pololympics II Stage Effect [Deep Sea]
Attack Speed and SP Recovery decrease for all ally unites with the [Deep Sea] stage effect. As time goes on, these speeds decrease even more!
Enemy Speed Increased
Stage Effect [Deep Sea] Strengthened
ID-3 Magic Has Run Dry
ID-4 Magic Has Run Dry II Stage Effect [Deep Sea]
The ocean with all its mysteries calls upon adventurers to explore! Change into your diving suit and challenge yourself to new battlefields!
Ally Unit Block Count Decreased
Stage Effect [Deep Sea] Strengthened
(600 Exp)
ID-5 Magic Has Run Dry III Stage Effect [Deep Sea]
The entirety of the seafloor is like a totally different world! Prepare yourself for the unknown threats that await you as you aim to dive down to greater depths!
No Held COST Auto-Recovery
Stage Effect [Deep Sea] Strengthened
[edit] Events