Dark Ninja

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Ninja Mob
Dark Ninja
2 Stars ☆☆



Illustrator クロ(Kuro)
Release Date 12/31/2022
Availability Flyers Only

Alternate Variants

Character Stats
1 833 181 159 0 2 50 9 1
30 942 230 196 0 2 50 9 1
Silver Rank Up
TRAIT COST +1 per enemy defeated. Reimburses deploy COST upon withdrawal.
NATURE Quick Feat
20% chance of dealing damage twice when attacking.
INTIMACY BONUS ❤ 30% ❤ 50% ❤ 100%
Magic Resist +5 Defense +7 Attack +13


Behind the Scenes Maneuver
Level Effect Init. SP SP Cost
Level 1 ATK +25% for 15 seconds. 0 30
Level 2 ATK +27% for 15 seconds. 0 30
Level 3 ATK +29% for 15 seconds. 0 30
Level 4 {{{effect4}}} Y X
Level 5 {{{effect5}}} Y X
Level 6 {{{effect6}}} Y X
Level 7 {{{effect7}}} Y X

Damage Type: [[:Category:Skill-{{{damage-type}}}|{{{damage-type}}}]]

Attack Reach: [[:Category:Skill-{{{attack-reach}}}|{{{attack-reach}}}]]
Skill Upgrades
Level Skill Upgrades
Skill Manual I: 1
Skill Manual I: 2

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Faded Feather: 1

Interactions and Crystalline Good

Pandemonium Crucible
Dark Ninja

Crystalline Good [template edit]

Event Dialogue
Win ......Mission complete.
My helmet shines by design.
Lose .....My mission is incompleted.
I mustn't return to my village yet.
Rank Up none
Interaction #1 How rare for you to visit.
Interaction #2 You wanna know about Koga?
I'll teach you if you become my follower.
Interaction #3 You like my ninja sword?
You interested in Koga?
Interaction #4 If you're going to Yamato, take me with you.
Interaction #5 Oh, I was about to take off my mask.......
Interaction #6 none
Gift Box #1 You're giving a present to me?
Wow, thanks.
Gift Box #2 Huh, I can have this?
You sure this isn't for someone else?
Gift Box #3 Wait a minute.
Gift this to someone who'd actually want it.
Gift Box #4 I love the color of this shuriken!
Can I really have it?
Gift Box #5 Hey, what's up with those undies of yours?!
I'm not happy about 'em, you know!
Gift Box #6 none
For full crystalline good and interaction lines, refer to [[{{{Original}}}#Interactions_and_Crystalline_Good |]].
Event Dialogue
Win {{{Win}}}
Lose {{{Lose}}}
Rank Up {{{Rank Up}}}
Interaction #1 ...Hey!
I have somethin' for ya.
Interaction #2 Why're you all tense?
Interaction #3 ...I'm hungry.
I wanna eat chocolate or somethin'.
Interaction #4 It's you! There's been an emergency!
Lord Sarutobi's taken a bite of some chocolate
laced with aphrodisiac!
Interaction #5 Just in time!
I made some candies I want to give to you.
Interaction #6 none
Gift Box #1 Ooh, thanks!
These seem expensive!
Gift Box #2 You sure I can have these?
...You wanna eat 'em together?
Gift Box #3 Just when I was thinkin' of givin' mine to you.
How lucky!
Gift Box #4 Wow, the booze in these is stupidly strong!
They're still delicious, though!
Gift Box #5 Hey, wait! What did you put in these!
If feel so... so... warm...!
Gift Box #6 none
For full crystalline good and interaction lines, refer to [[{{{Original}}}#Interactions_and_Crystalline_Good |]].
Event Dialogue
Win {{{Win}}}
Lose {{{Lose}}}
Rank Up {{{Rank Up}}}
Interaction #1 ......Hm? Oh, I'm not angry with ya.
The heat's just made me beet-red.
Interaction #2 Why can't I just take my mask off?
I'm a ninja! I won't show my true face to anyone!
Interaction #3 If I use my sword like this... ta-da~!
I'm a fruit ninja!
Interaction #4 You came all this way to see me?
Well, let's go take a walk on the beach then!
Interaction #5 The heat's gonna make my mask act up......
I gotta get to shade, ASAP!
Interaction #6 none
Gift Box #1 Some flotsam......?
I think I could turn this into a karakuri!
Gift Box #2 This is delicious! Did you bring this here just for me?
Gift Box #3 Are you sure I can have this?
Look how pretty the sand is! It's glinting in the sun......
Gift Box #4 Hey, you sure this is swimwear?
......Welp, guess I'll try and wear it!
Gift Box #5 ......I'll do my best to live up to the hype.
......I'll be waiting in my room.
Gift Box #6 none
For full crystalline good and interaction lines, refer to [[{{{Original}}}#Interactions_and_Crystalline_Good |]].

In other languages

Japanese Traditional Chinese
Dark Ninja 黒忍者 Kuroninja 黑忍者 Hēirěnzhě
Quick Feat 早業 Hayawaza 手腳俐落 Shǒujiǎolìluò
Behind the Scenes Maneuver 暗躍 An'yaku 暗中活躍 Ànzhōnghuóyuè
Pandemonium Crucible 伏魔の薬壺 Fukumanoyakko 伏魔的藥壺 Fúmódeyàohú
