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{{Warning Empirical}}

Scouting is the means to recruit characters into your roster. Once in possession of a character, any subsequent summons of the character will be converted to "memories" which is used for the proficiency system.

To see list of past and current pick up banners, see Banner History.


Through the Scout screen, there are four types of scouting, each requiring a specific item to do your recruitment:

Scouting Option Icon Scout Item Description Character Pool Can Get Limited Character?
Premium Scouting Edgar's Freebie Tickets and Dragon Vein Stones Scout through a pick-up banner with a pool consisting of 3-6 stars, with a select few having an increased 1% chance of being pulled. Latest pool of characters, at the time of the banner's debut, and may not share it with banners it's meant to go alongside with Pick-Ups Only
Partner Referrals Partner Referrals Scout a random character, within a specified pool of characters, for a specific rarity based on the item's tier. Latest pool of characters, unless specified otherwise Yes
Partner Scout Tickets Partner Scout Tickets Scout a character through a selection of a particular rarity based on the item's tier or description. Specified pool of characters If Specified
Recruitment Flyers Recruitment Flyers Scout through the latest pool of every character, though the chances are weighed heavily towards getting 1-3 stars. Latest pool of characters No
Recommendation Letters Recommendation Letter Scout a specific character. Specific Character If Specified

For more information on scouting items, refer to Items. Some of these are acquired exclusively through Shop.

General Scouting Pools

There are different scouting pools depending on the method. You can refer to these lists to have an idea which character is available where:

  • Flyers Only - These characters can only be scouted through Flyers.
  • Standard Scouting - These characters are available in every scout method.
  • Limited Scouting - These characters are only available on specific scout methods, usually limited by their featured banner or relevant shop packs.

Note: There are some exceptions which are given as quest rewards.

New Characters on Standard Pulls

Whenever a new character is added to the game, they are immediately available through any scouting method that draws from "latest pool of characters" which includes the flyers and referrals.

One thing to note is referrals have access to limited characters on their pool.

Scout Pools for Premium Scout Items

Premium Scout Items are typically available in the shop, and refer to banners for their pools. For more information, refer to Shop History and Banner History, respectively.

Partner Referrals

Type of Character Pool
General Up to latest banner.
1st Half-Anniversary Up until Banner 12 (Released 6/24/2022, Half-Anniversary Banner)
1st Anniversary Up until Banner 23 (Released 12/9/2022, Holey-Night Banner)

Partner Scout Tickets

Type of Character Pool
1st Half-Anniversary Up until Banner 11 (Released 6/10/2022, Chapter 1 pick up banners)
Bright Summer Fest A Leonhart (Summer), Fu (Summer), Rai (Summer)
Bright Summer Fest B Jalam (Summer), Flet (Summer), Hanzo (Summer)
Bright Summer Fest C Nitro (Summer), Brute (Summer), Ragnar (Summer)
Bright Summer Fest D Billford (Summer), Lute (Summer), Pugi (Summer)
1st Anniversary Up until Banner 16 (Released 9/9/2022, Chapter 2 pick up banners)

Recommendation Letters

Character Acquired From:
Edgar Shop
Gaia, Amorey, Barboros 0-4
Elaine 0-5
Mage Goblin, Goblin Archer, Goblin Fighter 0-7
Leonhart, Robin 0-31
Barboros (New Look) 3-27

Recruitment Flyers

These are commonly drops from story/event quests which can recruit characters of any rarity. Notably the only way to obtain most 1 and 2 star characters, and the odds of getting any character above three starts are weighted very low.

Flyer Drop Rates

There are four type of flyers which recruits a certain amount of characters depending on tier. There is a total 90% chance to drop any of these items through only Story and Event quests. They can also be obtained through event shops.

Item Number of Scouts Drop Rate
10 Blank Flyers scouts 1 character. 65%
1 Green Flyer scouts 1 character. 14%
1 Blue Flyer scouts 2 characters. 8%
1 Purple Flyer scouts 3 characters. 3%

Data is based on 2000 plays. Also to note, consecutive plays on stages with different stamina costs (PN - 3, EW - 19, and 3-9) all had similar results. Therefore it is likely the stamina cost of quests and event they are a part of do not effect flyer drops.

Flyer Scout Rates

Rarity Quantity Estimated Rate


2★ 2417 35%
3★ 2849 40%
4★ 37 0.50%
5★ 6 0.10%
6★ 1 0.02%

Value of Recruitment Flyer Farming

Though it is considered very unreliable to get characters through flyers, there may still be some potential value in them since you can typically garner a lot from farming events and completing story quests.

If one decides to prioritize farming flyers, here are some numbers to consider:

  • Weighted Average of Characters Obtained per Quest Clear = 0.455 Characters
  • Average Flyer Scouts per Day From Twenty-Four 10 Stamina Quests = 10.92 Characters

Premium Scouting

This is the typical way of obtaining characters, drawing from pool of 3-6 star characters with a few specified to have +1% increased rate as their "pick-up rate.": This rate draws from the pick-up rate of 3-stars.

Characters often debut through pick-up banners, which typically go out in pairs. Each pair's debut character remains exclusive to that pool, until a newer unrelated banner is introduced. This is also applies to limited banners, but the the difference is non-limited characters never join the standard pool of characters accessed by flyers, but would be for referrals.

Also currently, there is no benefit to doing 10 pulls aside from convenience.

Standard Rates & Pool

The standard pool is where all scouting methods typically draw from. A non-limited new character is added into the pool once their pick-up event ends.

Rarity Appearance Rate
★6 2%


★4 50%
★3 38%

Pick Up Banners and Rates

Pick-ups give improved chances to scout particular characters by taking 1% rate up from the 3-star appearance rate for each pick-up character. These banners usually come in pairs, with one coming out delayed by around a week. If there is a new character for a particular banner, it will be exclusive to that banner until it ends, afterwards they'll be part of the standard pool. Characters labelled as "Limited Time Only" are part of limited scouting and will only be available again once their banner reruns.

Due to how the rate up works, there is only roughly a 0.5% rate difference between a rate up 6-star and rate up 5-star.