[[File:1-3.png|500px|thumb|left|1-3 Moment of Tranquility II:Don't be too distracted by enemies attacking from the shortest distance to you. Also be vigilant towards powerful enemies on the march circumventing their way to you. ☆4 HP up]]
[[File:1-3.png|500px|thumb|left|1-3 Moment of Tranquility II:Don't be too distracted by enemies attacking from the shortest distance to you. Also be vigilant towards powerful enemies on the march circumventing their way to you. ☆4 HP up]]
[[File:1-5.png|500px|thumb|center|1-5 Running Home II:Enemy soldiers are on the assault one after another. Stay calm and return fire to exterminate them. ☆4 UTI.]]
[[File:1-5.png|500px|thumb|center|1-5 Running Home II:Enemy soldiers are on the assault one after another. Stay calm and return fire to exterminate them. 4☆ UTI.]]
[[File:1-6.png|500px|thumb|left|1-6 Running Home III:Enemy forces are coming in waves from all directions. Find the best route despite the unfavorable terrain. ☆4 HP up]]
[[File:1-6.png|500px|thumb|left|1-6 Running Home III:Enemy forces are coming in waves from all directions. Find the best route despite the unfavorable terrain. 4☆ HP up]]
[[File:1-7.png|500px|thumb|center|1-7 Running Home IV:Crush each and every invading enemy with the right formation. Also pay close attention to aerial enemies. ☆4 HP up]]
[[File:1-7.png|500px|thumb|center|1-7 Running Home IV:Crush each and every invading enemy with the right formation. Also pay close attention to aerial enemies. 4☆ HP up]]
[[File:1-11.png|500px|thumb|left|1-11 Unidentified Relic II:The enemy squad is queued up. Once the squad merges with its trailing flank, it'll be quite the force to be reckoned with. 4☆ COST up.]]
[[File:1-11.png|500px|thumb|left|1-11 Unidentified Relic II:The enemy squad is queued up. Once the squad merges with its trailing flank, it'll be quite the force to be reckoned with. ☆4 COST up.]]
[[File:1-12.png|500px|thumb|center|1-12 Unidentified Relic III:Surrounded in all directions, fight back with your allies watching your back! 4☆ HP up]]
[[File:1-12.png|500px|thumb|center|1-12 Unidentified Relic III:Surrounded in all directions, fight back with your allies watching your back! ☆4 HP up]]
[[File:1-13.png|500px|thumb|left|1-13 Unidentified Relic IV:Who could've seen enemy forces simultaneously coming from any other routes! Split up your own forces to handle these new waves! 4☆ HP up]]
[[File:1-13.png|500px|thumb|left|1-13 Unidentified Relic IV:Who could've seen enemy forces simultaneously coming from any other routes! Split up your own forces to handle these new waves! ☆4 HP up]]
[[File:1-14.png|500px|thumb|center|1-14 Unidentified Relic V:The enemy squad is making a roundabout attack across a vast area. Closely watch the movements of the strong enemies to take them by storm. 4☆ HP up]]
[[File:1-14.png|500px|thumb|center|1-14 Unidentified Relic V:The enemy squad is making a roundabout attack across a vast area. Closely watch the movements of the strong enemies to take them by storm. ☆4 HP up]]
[[File:1-19.png|500px|thumb|left|1-19 What's up with Home? II:A demonic force has snuck into the beautiful, watery capital of Pays Blanc! Combat it with elite strength! 4☆ UTI.]]
[[File:1-19.png|500px|thumb|left|1-19 What's up with Home? II:A demonic force has snuck into the beautiful, watery capital of Pays Blanc! Combat it with elite strength! ☆4 UTI.]]
[[File:1-20.png|500px|thumb|center|1-20 What's up with Home? III:Don't get caught up in the enemy's diversions. Determine the right timings to deploy units. 4☆ UTI.]]
[[File:1-20.png|500px|thumb|center|1-20 What's up with Home? III:Don't get caught up in the enemy's diversions. Determine the right timings to deploy units. ☆4 UTI.]]
Revision as of 22:42, 16 March 2022
Main story quests give a dragon stone for the first time 3 star and beating the 4 star. They give Battle Records, Draco, and Flyers as random drops each time they are beaten.
4 Star Missions
4 Star missions are levels with a challenge modifier on them. 0-2 and 0-5 do not have a four star mission. They tend to raise stats of enemies a sizeable amount or limit you in some way. You just have to win a 4 Star mission to complete it. Later levels will lower your lives. They also change up what enemies spawn in the level. The challenges are as follows:
Enemy ATK increased: The enemy deals more damage. Tagged 4☆ ATK up.
Undeployable Tiles Increased: Some tiles on the map are blocked off. This makes it harder to make a choke point. Tagged 4☆ UTI.
Enemy DEF increased: The enemy takes less physical damage. Tagged 4☆ DEF up.
Ally Unit Def Weakened: Your units take more physical damage. Tagged 4☆ DEF down.
Enemy HP increased: Enemies have more health. Tagged ☆4 HP up.
Ally Unit attack COST Upped: Ally units cost more to use. The later the level, the higher the COST payment. Tagged 4☆ COST up.