Main Storyline

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Main story quests give a dragon stone for the first time 3 star and beating the 4 star. You will also get other bonus rewards for a first time clear including stamina drinks, extra Draco, and skill books. They give Battle Records, Draco, and Flyers as random drops each time they are beaten. You can get skill books at a very rare rate. They are not listed on the rewards.

You also get character tickets from the following levels.

  • 0-4: Amorey, Barboros
  • 0-5: Elaine
  • 0-7: Mage Goblin, Goblin Archer, Goblin Fighter
  • 0-31 Leonhart, Robin
  • You will get the character if you don't own them or a memory if you do. This is currently the only way to get Barboros.

    Warning! Some map descriptions may contain spoilers!

    4 Star Missions

    4 Star missions are levels with a challenge modifier on them. 0-2 and 0-5 do not have a four star mission. They tend to raise stats of enemies a sizeable amount or limit you in some way. You just have to win a 4 Star mission to complete it. Later levels will lower your lives. They also change up what enemies spawn in the level. The challenges are as follows:

    Enemy ATK increased: The enemy deals more damage. Tagged 4☆ ATK up.

    Undeployable Tiles Increased: Some tiles on the map are blocked off. This makes it harder to make a choke point. Tagged 4☆ UTI.

    Enemy DEF increased: The enemy takes less physical damage. Tagged 4☆ DEF up.

    Ally Unit Def Weakened: Your units take more physical damage. Tagged 4☆ DEF down.

    Enemy HP increased: Enemies have more health. Tagged 4☆ HP up.

    Ally Unit attack COST Upped: Ally units cost more to use. The later the level, the higher the COST payment. Tagged 4☆ COST up.

    Enemy Speed Increased: Enemies move faster. Tagged 4☆ speed up.

    Ally unit HP Decreased: Your units have less HP. Tagged 4☆ HP down.

    Ally unit ATK Decreased: Your units deal less damage. Tagged 4☆ ATK down.

    No Natural Recovery of Deploy COST: Your COST income is disabled. Tagged 4☆ NCR.

    Deploy Count Decreased: The amount of units you can use at the same time is lowered. Tagged 4☆ DCD

    Natural decrease of HP Increased: On levels with a constant HP damage, this increases the effect. Tagged 4☆ HP DMG

    Number of Enemies Increased: Adds some extra spawns to the level. Tagged 4☆ Enemies up.

    Chapter 0: The Start Of A New Adventure


    The Dragon King's Castle

    The Dragon King Isle - East

    The Dragon King Isle - South

    The Dragon King Isle - Coast

    Pirate Ship

    The Dragon King Isle - Southern Sea

    The Free City of Variey

    Chapter 1: The Black Emerald


    The Free City of Variey


    The Capital of Pays Blanc

    Chapter 2: Anothereidos Decadence & Glory The Empire of Obsidonia


    Border Stronghold

    The Forest of Death

    Magical Castle Pandemonium

    Chapter 3: Alpha&Omega The Wild & Its Overgrowth The Tribal Lands of Verdancia


    Pays Blanc