Main Storyline

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Main story quests give a dragon stone for the first time 3 star and beating the 4 star. They give Battle Records, Draco, and Flyers as random drops each time they are beaten. You can get skill books at a very rare rate. They are not listed on the rewards.

Warning! Some map descriptions may contain spoilers!

4 Star Missions

4 Star missions are levels with a challenge modifier on them. 0-2 and 0-5 do not have a four star mission. They tend to raise stats of enemies a sizeable amount or limit you in some way. You just have to win a 4 Star mission to complete it. Later levels will lower your lives. They also change up what enemies spawn in the level. The challenges are as follows:

Enemy ATK increased: The enemy deals more damage. Tagged 4☆ ATK up.

Undeployable Tiles Increased: Some tiles on the map are blocked off. This makes it harder to make a choke point. Tagged 4☆ UTI.

Enemy DEF increased: The enemy takes less physical damage. Tagged 4☆ DEF up.

Ally Unit Def Weakened: Your units take more physical damage. Tagged 4☆ DEF down.

Enemy HP increased: Enemies have more health. Tagged 4☆ HP up.

Ally Unit attack COST Upped: Ally units cost more to use. The later the level, the higher the COST payment. Tagged 4☆ COST up.

Enemy Speed Increased: Enemies move faster. Tagged 4☆ speed up.

Ally unit HP Decreased: Your units have less HP. Tagged 4☆ HP down.

Ally unit ATK Decreased: Your units deal less damage. Tagged 4☆ ATK down.

No Automatic Recovery of Attack COST: Your COST income is disabled. Tagged 4☆ NCR.

[Show/hide] Chapter 0 The Start Of A New Adventure

0-2 The Start of a New Adventure II:A super straightforward stage. Engage the onslaught of misshapen enemies!
0-5 Abandoning the Dragon's Nest:Method of attack differs per unit. Deepen your understand of each unit's characteristics.
0-6 Reuniting with Elaine:The enemy force will divide into two groups during their assault. Figure out how to deploy ally units! 4☆ ATK up.
0-7 Goblin Attack I:You must repel flying enemies! Prioritize deploying ally units best at combating aerial targets. 4☆ UTI.
0-8 Goblin Attack II:Enemies appear from all directions in this stage! Never let your guard down, but you must remain calm! 4☆ DEF up.
0-9 Goblin Attack III:Enemies with high mobility have increased, Get rid of them before they invade base! 4☆ DEF down.
0-10 Goblin Attack IV:The wave of goblins continues! Don't loosen up on countering the onslaught! 4☆ ATK up.
0-11 Goblin Attack V:The enemy has succeeded in forging a path to press on with their attack! Search for terrain to aid in your defense! 4☆ DEF up.
0-12 Goblin Attack VI:A swarm of enemies gather in an open area. Deploy ally enemies in way that balances offense and defense! 4☆ UTI.
0-14 Sleeping Morgan I:A swarm of enemies is on the assault down a wide path! Don't let them get by you! 4☆ DEF up.
0-15 Sleeping Morgan II:Difficult enemies that can shoot arrows from afar have appeared! Drive them back as soon as you spot them! 4☆ DEF up.
0-17 Gather 'Round the Dragon Vein I:Powerful enemy soldiers are on the attack! Use your tactics as you face off with them! 4☆ UTI.
0-18 Gather 'Round the Dragon Vein II:Tons of slime monster may be annoying, but it's time to coordinate with your ally units to sweep 'em up. 4☆ HP up.
0-19 Gather 'Round the Dragon Vein III:Long-distance enemy attack has become a threat. Counterattack with the right formation! 4☆ UTI.
0-20 Gather 'Round the Dragon Vein IV:Brawny pirates have joined the fight and caused a melee. Keep enemy invasion at bay and protect your base! 4☆ ATK up.
0-21 Gather 'Round the Dragon Vein V:A shower of arrows rains down. Center your defense around healers. 4☆ COST up.
0-22 Gather 'Round the Dragon Vein VI:Enemy formation sets to launch a powerful, all-out attack. Return fire while using your skills with perfect timing! 4☆ DEF down.
0-23 The Perfect Pair:Pirates skilled in magic and guns have emerged. Build your stronghold and prepare for gunfire. 4☆ UTI.
0-24 The Third Choice I:Fierce battle has erupted involving soldiers and pirates. The key to victory will be had in protecting the ground. 4☆ COST up.
0-25 The Third Choice II:A stage plagued by a myriad of obstacles. Challenge yourself while putting your all into the fight! 4☆ speed up.
0-26 The Third Choice III:Don't let the clear path make you lax! You mustn't be outpushed by the demonic force! 4☆ DEF up.
0-27 The Third Choice IV:Pirates will launch a variety of attacks. Be sure to crush 'em! 4☆ DEF down.
0-28 The Third Choice V:If you pay too much attention to the pirates, you'll become prey to the mimics! Be careful when a swarm appears! 4☆ ATK up.
0-29 The Third Choice VI:Enemy magic is robbing your ally units of stamina. Handle the matter before it's too late. 4☆ DEF up.
0-30 The Third Choice VII:Take out the fiendish magical beasts running amok aboard and put an end to this melee! 4☆ COST up.
0-32 The World's Most Prized Catch I:A large swarm of enemies clamors about this tightly narrow stage. Handle the situation before you're completely outnumbered! 4☆ HP down.
0-33 The World's Most Prized Catch II:An all -out attack by the pirates has become the greatest threat on the battlefield. Go on the offensive without a flinch! 4☆ speed up.
0-34 The World's Most Prized Catch III:Demons nesting on the battlefield bare their fangs. Don't yield to their mighty assault! 4☆ ATK up.
0-35 The World's Most Prized Catch IV:The battle has become utter chaos due to the arrival of the magical beasts of the sea. Rein in on the intense battle to open up a way out! 4☆ ATK down.
0-37 The God of the Sea - Dakkar I:You're now on the defense once more in a new fight. Ally with your much needed new alliance to drive off the enemy threat. 4☆ HP up
0-38 The God of the Sea - Dakkar II:The enemy force is approaching with every route of invasion it can find. Win by creating an impenetrable force of your own. 4☆ UTI.
0-39 The God of the Sea - Dakkar III:The ghastly invasion of the magical beast continues. Put your efforts together to break the deadlock! 4☆ DEF up.
0-40 The God of the Sea - Dakkar IV:Slime monsters may be slow, but they're just as dangerous in numbers. Be fully prepared when you engage them! 4☆ UTI.
0-41 The God of the Sea - Dakkar V:The battle aboard has reached its finale. Defeat the onslaught of the magical beasts of the sea once and for all! 4☆ speed up.
0-44 Defending The City of Freedom I:You're being showered by fierce enemy fire from all directions. Muster up the courage to fight them head on! 4☆ ATK up.
0-45 Defending The City of Freedom II:Vicious enemies fly above the battlefield. Shoot these enemies down first! 4☆ UTI.
0-46 Defending The City of Freedom III:None of the enemies before you are inferior. Endure the fierce attack with a formation of your own that's as strong as steel! 4☆ HP up
0-47 Defending The City of Freedom IV:The urban warfare has become evermore intense. Don't let the swarm of magical beasts disturb the front! 4☆ COST up.
0-48 Defending The City of Freedom V:It's an all-out attack led by Dakkar who leads the ocean's army. Protect the city with utmost care! 4☆ speed up.

[Show/hide] Chapter 1 The Black Emerald

1-3 Moment of Tranquility II:Don't be too distracted by enemies attacking from the shortest distance to you. Also be vigilant towards powerful enemies on the march circumventing their way to you. ☆4 HP up
1-5 Running Home II:Enemy soldiers are on the assault one after another. Stay calm and return fire to exterminate them. 4☆ UTI.
1-6 Running Home III:Enemy forces are coming in waves from all directions. Find the best route despite the unfavorable terrain. 4☆ HP up
1-7 Running Home IV:Crush each and every invading enemy with the right formation. Also pay close attention to aerial enemies. 4☆ HP up
1-11 Unidentified Relic II:The enemy squad is queued up. Once the squad merges with its trailing flank, it'll be quite the force to be reckoned with. 4☆ COST up.
1-12 Unidentified Relic III:Surrounded in all directions, fight back with your allies watching your back! 4☆ HP up
1-13 Unidentified Relic IV:Who could've seen enemy forces simultaneously coming from any other routes! Split up your own forces to handle these new waves! 4☆ HP up
1-14 Unidentified Relic V:The enemy squad is making a roundabout attack across a vast area. Closely watch the movements of the strong enemies to take them by storm. 4☆ HP up
1-19 What's up with Home? II:A demonic force has snuck into the beautiful, watery capital of Pays Blanc! Combat it with elite strength! 4☆ UTI.
1-20 What's up with Home? III:Don't get caught up in the enemy's diversions. Determine the right timings to deploy units. 4☆ UTI.
1-21 What's up with Home? IV:A mass of slime has appeared in the plaza. Outnumber the slime before you're overrun by it! 4☆ COST up.
1-22 What's up with Home? V:Heavy armored enemy soldiers are approaching! Repel the blades falling like rain and defend the capital! 4☆ HP up
1-25 Waterwork Lair II:A new battlefield in a lair with rushing water! Exterminate all the enemies nesting deep inside its corridors! 4☆ NCR
1-27 Cleansing Flames II:Aerial enemise will come at you from 3 directions! Time those skills just right to get through this tough spot! 4☆ speed up.
1-30 Hero's Return II:Equus approaches you along with Jade's slime. Be cautious of the powerful attack launched from their transformed state! 4☆ UTI